Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by J.B. Handley

Siri did a good expose on the bad science and sloppy workmanship of the so-called experts whose last priority seems to be the safety of the people these vaccines are supposed to help.

At that time, at least Aaron Siri got a chance to cross-examine the witness. Would he have that opportunity now, in 2024, at a time when censorship and deception have become the greatest tools in suppressing any legal opposition to the roll out of even more dangerous biological agents?

Near the end of the video, Siri gives us the data on the relatively scarce incidence of tetanus before the use of the tetanus vaccines, and the resultant adverse effects in a much greater population. This is overwhelming evidence that the 'treatment' is exponentially more dangerous than the 'disease'.

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Wow, J. B.! I had never before heard the story behind the deposition. I had just seen video clips from it that were quite disturbing.

As I now see it, Plotkin recused himself when he recognized his words would do the pro-vaccine side more harm than good if Aaron Siri were to question him in the courtroom.

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Good to see your recent posts. I clicked on the 'super creepy poll' - I'm speechless.

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Something I always wondered about - why didn't Wakefield take his case to court like Walker-Smith did so that the charges would be reversed?

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What a great compilation here! Love all this good evidence! Thank you for your hard work.

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Superb article. I've watched the deposition more than once. It really is astonishing.

Out of all the shocking admissions in it, in my opinion the Gardasil segment, in how they hid the effects by combing the two groups, is the best example to lay out to people who believe in the "safe & effective" ideology. Explaining to them what was done may get them to question more. This could include politicians, senators, congress, non-profits, parents etc, basically anyone willing to listen.

Listening to Plotkin's responses though made me realise one thing; they have a rationale (more or less) for everything they do.

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Here is my letter to my local town "authorities", educating them

about Dr Stanley Plotkin:

To Manchester Select Board, Board of Health, School Committee and Superintendent:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak at your MBTS festival booth, Conversation Corner.

I hoped to bring Sunlight on the censored covid vaccine fraud.

I do agree with John Round (select board member) when he stated: "The Government was wrong to recommend the covid vaccine for children."

Will the Manchester Boards/Committees now notify the public that?

I expect you will be able to answer my questions from my previous email I sent in March 2024 and today's email. Not one person responded in March.

I want to update you with current public health dept actions, but first here is some history to show the fraud.

History of 1976 Swine Flu "pandemic"

1. The Former CDC Director David Sencer told 60 minutes TV show, after the swine flu event occurred, "Not one case of Swine Flu was confirmed by Public Health Dept before they vaxxed 46 million Americans. A few cases were only reported by main stream media press."

2. CDC told the public their vaccine was tested, but didnt tell the public it developed a new vaccine X53A, never tested, and X53A was used to inoculate most of the 46 million Americans.

Now we have in 2024 "The Bird Flu". Our Fed Govt purchased the vaccine and HHS declared an emergency under Prep Act to justify an EUA.

Huh? Who has Bird Flu? The cows, the chickens, wild ducks?, sweet sparrow yard birds, seagulls? humans?

The Mass Dept of Agriculture now wants to force the states 96 dairy farms to test all cattle using PCR method for flu, since the volunteer program didn't produce enough for the states results. huh?

Who is testing? What labs? State or Fed Labs? PCR tests really work? The State just took money from the Feds for this program. How many millions?

We now know the human vaccine (for bird flu) is made by CSL Seqirus Australia. Safety and efficacy tests show 1/200 deaths and is made from dog kidney cells. Yes, you read that correctly. You will be inoculating your body with sweet doggy kidney cells. Is this health? or hell-th?

CSL Seqirus is also a convicted felon like Pfizer.

The Feds purchased 4.8 millions doses of this vaccine.

Did you know animals recover from the flu, just like humans? No need to cull the animals, and then give the new babies a flu vaccine, which is the goal of the Fed/State Agriculture Dept.

Regarding ingredients in vaccines, here is some more relevant information.

Dr Stanley Plotkin, known as The Godfather of Vaccines, Author of Plotkins Vaccines (every doctor has this book), sits on every pharmaceutical board, and invented many vaccines. Plotkin testified in his 9 hour deposition for a court case to Attorney Aaron Siri of Siri & Glimstad LLP, (this firm has won many lawsuits against the CDC, with many in current litigation)

"One study of vaccines, the lab room had tables of 76 aborted human baby fetuses, normally developed. I harvested organs and cut them into little pieces."

This was done at the Wistar Institute, Pennsylvania. I cut the lungs, kidney, spleen, heart, (laughing) and tongue for this experiment." In other studies they cut up dogs, cows, guinea pigs and chickens.

Why is this relevant, because the covid vaccine has aborted human fetal cells for ingredients. Is this normal or moral?

Did you give 'INFORMED CONSENT' to the public when you promoted the vaccine?

My morally formed conscience belief known as religion, finds this disgusting and evil, not healthy. Stanley also testified "I am an atheist and always under attack by religious zealots who believe in the will of God"

Is this why he can cut up little baby fetuses?

We have a strong religious exemption law* in MA, which many residents used to protect their jobs during the covid vaccine mandates.

All these human and animal tissues known as plasma are currently in all childhood vaccines. Plotkin also stated in 2024 that all childhood vaccines were never safety tested as required by the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

To summarize: All vaccines, including Covid (the one you promoted and took) have never been safety tested, and all vaccines have never used a pure saline placebo, which is the gold standard for any drug test.

Is this science?

Aaron Siri on X (@AaronSiriSG) is helpful to follow. He states,

" FDA officials now claim C19 vax was never studied whether they prevent transmission and FDA and CDC violated federal law in PROMOTING these products"

The Fallout:

VAERS data: 28,540 myocarditis, 48,217 deaths, 2,618,691 serious adverse reactions.

V-Safe data: 7.7% of out of 10 million users of Pfizer jab needed medical emergency care after vaccination on average 2-3 times, during the first 6 months after the rollout of vax. This is a Pfizer data program.

Govt CICP program (countermeasures injury compensation program) paid out millions in covid injury and deaths.

The blessing of the covid pandemic is over 30% of Americans will never take another vaccine and that includes childhood vaccines. They are now educated.

Frontline Doctors, FLCCC, Dr Peter McCullough and many GOP committees are now calling for a ban on covid vaccine and reevaluation of all childhood vaccines.

Will you call for a ban on the Covid vaccine, that you promoted? Did you receive funds to promote the vaccine?

With the upcoming 10th booster available this fall, and many families will be taking it, maybe even you? It's a good time to make these statements of accountability and change course.

Will you make a statement to the public for all future pandemics that each adult and family needs to research both pros and cons, look at both sides, and make their own determination for their own bodies and healing?

In 2015 a Essex County judge stated: "Vaccinations are a controversial issue. Parents need to research, do the pros and cons. I assure you that the court is not going to do - we are not going to make the determination of whether a child should be vaccinated. To me, I sort of, I used to do things that years ago, and then I realized that is not my role to make that determination".

This judge made this statement in our family lawsuit, regarding vaccination of a minor, which we won. The minor was not vaccinated for any childhood vaccine.

*MA General Law 76 section 15

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That was quite an article exposing Stanley Plotkin, thank you. Re "Andrew Wakefield vs Stanley Plotkin: which one is evil?"

Stanley Alan Plotkin, his full name will anagram to 'ye nan kill Satan plot' which reminds me of the cunning plan to protect granny.

Andrew Jeremy Wakefield, his full name does not contain the word 'Satan'. It does contain the phrase 'filmed Jewry reawakened'. Stanley Plotkin is Jewish. There may be a connection.

I go for Stanley Plotkin as evil (I am being polite) like Satan.

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