Aug 24Liked by J.B. Handley

So happy that S2C has helped Jaime & it allowed a new chapter for your family. My energy has also shifted towards supporting my iatrogenically injured beautiful girls, now 11 years into this reality. We are working on functional life skills, in an amazing therapeutic day school and my girls have made amazing stirides.

They really pushed it too far with covid and the vax debacle and finally penetrated the armor of the public health agencies and their insidious relationship with the vaccine manufacturers/pHARMa. It was no longer just us parents carrying the load. Allowed a break for us to rest our weary bones. However if they only knew...

You have have given so much of yourself to illuminate the hungry lie. You seriously one of my heroes, although you're probably way too humble to accept that moniker, and we know that is not what motivates you. It's fighting the devastating injustices that have been done to our children and changed our lives forever, seriously pure evil. So much stolen. I pray that our voices are amplified and truth is finally exposed.

You have always been able to articulate through facts and in a palatable direct way, fuck you, you fucking liars...

I just really miss your work on this topic.

Now our fight is so front and center, but again if they only knew the evil that men do.

I am so glad to see this blog from you today and implore you to get back out in the public fight. You know all the deep dark secrets. Podcasts, Twitter...your voice can take the momentum to the next level. Thank you.

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Thank you. You are one of certainly one of my heroes!

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What a fabulous article and a great one to send any parents who are questioning as it has so many indisputable facts. I work for Health Freedom Ireland and am in the middle of updating our Vaccine Booklet for new parents and parents to be using Irish data. This article is very helpful! And you write so beautifully. Thank you.

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Nice article, but I don't understand the conclusion you reached. All vaccines harm. Unvaccinated children are healthier than unvaccinated children. Even one vaccine can kill or bring about lifelong autoimmune conditions. Vaccination lowers immunity. Better to foster good health and strong immunity with good health habits rather than toxic vaccines.

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Huge fan of personal choice. I choose not to take prescription drugs, but I'm fine if someone else wants to, principle of informed consent.

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Have read and heard that bcg vaccine acts as a general stimulant of the innate immune system where as dpt does the opposite actually making children more susceptible to other diseases

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Does seem odd that they have dropped the BCG vaccine in UK whilst the others are all flogged relentlessly.

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