Most people who vilify him can't even tell me anything about the paper that was retracted - not what he (and the whole team of researchers) was studying, nor what the conclusion section of the paper says.
I like your Vietnam analogy JB. It is sadly perfect truth!! The Vaccine world is terrified of the science and truth-any science that would question anything about their precious vaccine industry/money making system. If vaccines are called into question the entire Pharmaceutical world would be/could be called into question. This is the fear of big pharm anyway-and they are fighting like hell to deflect all science that calls into question that wonder child vaccine products. In a way it is their loss leader for the entire drug cornucopia worth many trillions. They get kids and parents hooked on miraculous vaccines when kids are young and then keep them and parents dependent on their drugs for the rest of their lives!!
I pray RFKJr can bring this sacred cow of vaccine industry back to world of real science once again.
God Bless, Dr. Wakefield! I discovered his work and watched them try to destroy him when I was in grad school. Thanks to him, my children were spared. Sadly, their cousins on both sides were not.
I doubt it will happen, but it'd be great to see Dr Wakefield be somehow involved or consulted in the new administration at HHS. I also hope the William Thompson situation can be brought to the fore. Real transparency & un-manipulated data should expose the vaccine paradigm.
I find most people on the vaccinist side 1) believe Wakefield is the main/only reason for anti-vaxxers even though he's not the first or the last to acknowledge these issues. They are unaware how many doctors and scientists now believe vaccines can and do cause autism . And how he would have never gone down this path if not for the compelling testimony of parents who came to him.
2) Most of them are under the impression that his study was even relevant to proving vaccines cause autism, which it was never designed to do. People don't seem to understand science and how different designs work together and how this is a painstakingly slow process, and studies are always imperfect and limited, and there are always confounding variables, and how no single study proves anything, so even if his study were a placebo controlled trial study about autism, it still wouldn't be proof, and researchers know this better than anyone.
3) There are some bizarre ideas like that Wakefield admitted to faking data and I don't know where those allegations even come from.
4) They are under the impression that having a paper retracted on a controversial topic is rare and damning and that journals must give the reasons, when it isn't that rare and they don't have to tell anyone why. They are also under the impression that having ones license revoked for speaking out on a controversial topic is rare and damning when it's not. These punishments arent limited to vaccines, it could be about trans issues, taking psychic phenomenon seriously, alternative cancer cures. There are many examples.
Thanks I was not aware of Dr Wakefield. Am aware of big pharma. Am aware of the autism and how devastating 1 child’s life requires attention and care for a long lifetime.
Hoping now finally each vaccine can be challenged
And bring more informed consent to parents rolling the dice on their babies vitality. I’m a grandparent and pray my kids their pediatricians tread wisely.
"... (the effort to discredit) will fail because nature cannot be deceived." Thank you for this detailing of Dr Wakefield's long struggle and what it has to teach us.
Speaking of Vioxx, Brandy Vaughan died mysteriously after speaking up against Merck, her former employer, after seeing the devastating effects of this drug.
Dr. Wakefield is a hero. He didn't have to continue the fight. He didn't have to lose his position as a highly regarded gastrointestinal surgeon. He didn't have to lose "friends," colleagues, family. He could have stopped pushing against those who tried to silence him. He could have continued living a comfortable lifestyle, which undoubtedly would have lead to a nice retirement. Why would anybody put themselves thru years of ridicule and lies and slander?
Most people who vilify him can't even tell me anything about the paper that was retracted - not what he (and the whole team of researchers) was studying, nor what the conclusion section of the paper says.
I like your Vietnam analogy JB. It is sadly perfect truth!! The Vaccine world is terrified of the science and truth-any science that would question anything about their precious vaccine industry/money making system. If vaccines are called into question the entire Pharmaceutical world would be/could be called into question. This is the fear of big pharm anyway-and they are fighting like hell to deflect all science that calls into question that wonder child vaccine products. In a way it is their loss leader for the entire drug cornucopia worth many trillions. They get kids and parents hooked on miraculous vaccines when kids are young and then keep them and parents dependent on their drugs for the rest of their lives!!
I pray RFKJr can bring this sacred cow of vaccine industry back to world of real science once again.
It was Paul Thomas Book that started me thinking. Thank you Dr. Paul Thomas. Who knows how many children you have saved.
God Bless, Dr. Wakefield! I discovered his work and watched them try to destroy him when I was in grad school. Thanks to him, my children were spared. Sadly, their cousins on both sides were not.
Thanks for writing the truth. 🙏🏻 it is a seed in anyone and everyone that has a concern about vaccines.
If you look for something on that story on google, you just have dozens of pages telling the same (wrong) study.
That's unbelievable!
Thank you! I have forwarded. I know some who received mode RNA injections and have suffered some harm
My own daughter had terrible fever after dtp.
We covered her in ice and saved her brain!
Thank to God I was breast feeding her and she was asleep on my chest, otherwise we may have wakened in the morning to a dead baby!!
She was on fire, I thought I had been burned.
God bless you and your son
He is not the first I know of who became autistic overnight
Deborah Johnson Harvey
I doubt it will happen, but it'd be great to see Dr Wakefield be somehow involved or consulted in the new administration at HHS. I also hope the William Thompson situation can be brought to the fore. Real transparency & un-manipulated data should expose the vaccine paradigm.
I find most people on the vaccinist side 1) believe Wakefield is the main/only reason for anti-vaxxers even though he's not the first or the last to acknowledge these issues. They are unaware how many doctors and scientists now believe vaccines can and do cause autism . And how he would have never gone down this path if not for the compelling testimony of parents who came to him.
2) Most of them are under the impression that his study was even relevant to proving vaccines cause autism, which it was never designed to do. People don't seem to understand science and how different designs work together and how this is a painstakingly slow process, and studies are always imperfect and limited, and there are always confounding variables, and how no single study proves anything, so even if his study were a placebo controlled trial study about autism, it still wouldn't be proof, and researchers know this better than anyone.
3) There are some bizarre ideas like that Wakefield admitted to faking data and I don't know where those allegations even come from.
4) They are under the impression that having a paper retracted on a controversial topic is rare and damning and that journals must give the reasons, when it isn't that rare and they don't have to tell anyone why. They are also under the impression that having ones license revoked for speaking out on a controversial topic is rare and damning when it's not. These punishments arent limited to vaccines, it could be about trans issues, taking psychic phenomenon seriously, alternative cancer cures. There are many examples.
Thanks I was not aware of Dr Wakefield. Am aware of big pharma. Am aware of the autism and how devastating 1 child’s life requires attention and care for a long lifetime.
Hoping now finally each vaccine can be challenged
And bring more informed consent to parents rolling the dice on their babies vitality. I’m a grandparent and pray my kids their pediatricians tread wisely.
Here’s a good interview of Dr Wakefield done by Steve Kirsch:
Thank you.
"... (the effort to discredit) will fail because nature cannot be deceived." Thank you for this detailing of Dr Wakefield's long struggle and what it has to teach us.
Thank you!!! God bless you for your work and for telling us about it. I'm sharing it with my friends and family.
Praying for more and more victory for truth tellers!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
My favorite parts of Covid:
Covid is a stimulus package.
To stimulate the transfer of your wealth to people like me.
Before you die.
That way, your family, and your children, will be economically dependent on people …
Like me.
Phenomenal🙌🏼. Thank you.
Speaking of Vioxx, Brandy Vaughan died mysteriously after speaking up against Merck, her former employer, after seeing the devastating effects of this drug.
Dr. Wakefield is a hero. He didn't have to continue the fight. He didn't have to lose his position as a highly regarded gastrointestinal surgeon. He didn't have to lose "friends," colleagues, family. He could have stopped pushing against those who tried to silence him. He could have continued living a comfortable lifestyle, which undoubtedly would have lead to a nice retirement. Why would anybody put themselves thru years of ridicule and lies and slander?
For the children. Our children.
We should all be so brave.
Thank you, Dr. Wakefield, for never giving up. 💙