I am Dr. William schneider a chiropractor and I can fully substantiate what JB says about Robert F Kennedy Junior. I was at the capital on the day that robert of Kennedy Junior arrived and spoke to the Oregon state Democratic legislators who sponsoring the Bill to make mandatory vaccines the law of the land in Oregon. I personally met Robert Kennedy Junior myself as the chair of the public health community for the oregon chiropractic association. Kennedy a single-handedly stopped de mandatory vaccine in Oregon with his meetings with the state legislators that day. He is a great man and passionately believes in protecting children and the rights of all of us to choose what goes into our bodies. he will be an awesome man working for our benefit with the Trump administration.

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What's crazy, William is that we had the support of you and all your chiropractic colleagues, without whom this wouldn't have been possible, but the naturopaths voted with the Democrats, insane!

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Naturopaths showed they are wannabe mds-desperately afraid of offending the medical lobby by supporting medical freedom.

I lost a lot of respect for the naturopathic profession at that time.

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Subluxations ate bullshit.

Li'l Bobby is objectively wrong about vaccines

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pinched nerve , oh yeah that never happens ...

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Pinched nerve isn't subluxation. Subluxations are made up micromisalignments of the spine that quacks think can cause all disease.

It's almost as crazy as homeopathy.

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Subluxations are absolutely real, and Bobby is most certainly right regarding vaccines. God bless you, Ryan.

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You're funny. You and I both know subluxations are fake as a wooden nickel

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You and Ann Durant. I was there too. Jenifer Margolis and I drove up from S. Oregon. What do you think are the possibilities of gaining access to the Vaccine Safety Data Link?

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Ryan, check out the chiropractic biophysics home page and tell me subluxations are fake. We have welll over 100 peer reviewed studies/papers supporting reality of global subluxations. Forgive them Father for they know not what they are do(or say) Peace

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I have heard second hand, that the next Oregon legislative will have some mean-spirited vaccination legislation targeting children.

By-the-way Steiner Hayward is still a schmuck of schmucks.

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Please don’t forget that Maine parents also lost their medical freedoms in 2020 along with NY, CT, CA, and WV. Similar to you, that fight turned me from a lifelong Dem to a Republican. Tuesday’s win gave me cautious hope for the future but it will be an uphill battle.

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Thank you for sharing your story, You should be proud of yourself for protecting your child and family, what you did was not easy. Your courage is admirable to say the least but more importantly your example will live on in your children.

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The overloaded jab schedule has been costly to our kids. There is new hope to remove jab profiteers from government.

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Fabulous story about you and RFK Jr. RFK JR - clearly someone very special.

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Thank you for sharing this message.

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It seems like just yesterday I was part of a grassroots parent’s group fighting a similar evil in California: SB277, the school vaccine bill that eliminated the philosophical exemption (there was no religious one).

Bobby also tried to help us, too, and we almost made it but were politically out-maneuvered:

“Confirmed: Lobbyist Calling the Shots for #SB277; Community Outpouring Ignored”


I later found out that the lobbyist who kept whispering in Senator DICK Pan’s ear throughout the hearings worked for a firm with a special client: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


Isn’t that a huge conflict of interest? 🤔

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This Bill pushed my family out of California and also opened my eyes to who the Democrat party really is!

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Yes Nitai--"Who is the Democratic Party" in one word or less?

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Wow! Powerful experience. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us, including pictures. It’s very important and telling. Im so sorry about your child’s experience and so grateful for all you’ve done. I lived in Washington state and while my first child born in 95 got the injections, by the time my later children were born in 99 and 03, I was giving them only a select few. (If I was making those decisions now, I would give them zero.) I was sickened by how the schools lied to parents constantly, in writing: “vaccines required for school.” At some point they started getting very aggressive and while I was never influenced by their propaganda, I was deeply saddened by how off limits the conversation was for virtually everyone. So glad the tide has shifted, due in great part to RFK Jrs dedication. I couldn’t be happier that finally we can shout the truth from the rooftops.

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We experienced the same thing in Illinois at that time, JB. With Laura Cellini's magnificent help, we were able to keep the religious exemption.

The day after Bobby came to testify, there was a Senate committee vote where I testified. The night before, with Bobby, we had shown many high profile Dems and members of the committee the documentary "Trace Amounts" and met for dinner. Everyone was kind and open to what we had to say. The Senate President even asked me to sit at their table with them, which I did.

The next day, however, the mood went dark. Sitting on a bench in the hallway, a woman asked to sit next to me while we waited. We made small talk for a while and then she asked who I was and why I was there. I told her.

She confessed she was there to testify on behalf of the legislation. She belonged to some activist group, I can't remember the name. We both agreed we were doing what we believed was best for children.

When I asked her why all of a sudden there seemed to be this cross-country organized effort to go after exemptions, she stated, "Oh, we've had this legislation ready to go for a long time. We were just waiting for the right time to drop it." The Disneyland measles outbreak was the "right time", she confirmed.

In that moment, I realized that this was a well-organized, strategic machine we were up against. We were outmatched, out funded, and had been clearly very naive about what was happening.

I walked into the room to testify and smiled at the people I had met and eaten with the night before. One legislator had even offered to loan me some shoes because my feet hurts so badly from all the walking we did that day with Bobby. Now, no one would even make eye contact, including her. I didn't need to know what was about to happen with the vote. They showed me with their faces.

I gave it my best effort anyway. In spite of a room full of white coated medical students filling the aisles behind me, I got out as much as I could. I made the analogy that as a teacher, I couldn't possibly get away with saying 50% of my children were failing, and not only did I have nothing to do with it, but also that anyone seeking to remove their child from my class would be legally prevented.

A committee member nodded in agreement the whole time. Someone behind me, in a white coat, actually started to applause before realizing what had happened and stopped. Still sitting at the table, they took a vote.

Down the line, each person voted based on party. The outnumbered Republicans voted in favor of medical freedom. The Dems voted in favor of mandates. Except one. The one who had been nodding her head at me voted against.

And then she didn't. The committee leader shot her a look of death. She looked back and him and then said she needed to correct her vote. She would be voting in favor of the mandates. I had never seen anything like it.

I walked out of that room and told everyone I knew, vaccine choice was officially a partisan issue. Republicans for, Democrats against. For years, I received a lot of blowback for that. People would actually get mad when I said this will become a hot button partisan issue very soon, just wait.

And then Covid happened, and here we are. For those of us behind the scenes 10 years ago, Republicans embracing Bobby and his quest to empower parents to protect their children from corrupted interests was predictable.

I am forever grateful for his unwavering support, and I simply cannot wait to see what happens next. It's incredible to think it's come this far.

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Julie, I was in Salem that day with so many others. Do you any explanation for the Democrats behavior on vaccine choice? Can it be explained by having an authoritarian predisposition? What explains their desire to censor?

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My son with autism is 40. I have followed your work, Bobby's work, Jennifer and Paul etc. I am so grateful for what you all have done on behalf of families like mine, dealing with poor methylation issues, vax injuries and autism. The mandates under Biden were brutal and a threat to the lives of my adult children. We reached out to Kevin B for help. The last 3 years have included many harassing appts. from the Social Security office, because my son has a college degree & can work (for 2 agencies that support other clients with autism.) Success is punished. We vote Republican now. I hope you all have huge roles and voices in the new administration. Many blessings on you all.

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Love this little glimpse into history. May God bless RFKjr to protect children’s health- EVERYONE’s health!

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Sen. Knopp is also the one responsible for my switching from Dem to Rep during 2019's SB3063. We were talking about how extreme the Oregon dems were compared to my beliefs (there were a few other Bend moms in this conversation-you ladies know who I'm talking about) and he said "a right leaning dem is not that far off from a left leaning republican". Switched my registration the very next day.

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God bless Bobby Kennedy and J B Handley. You have saved many lives and kept the core ethic of medical choice alive. Parents are the last defence against medical tyranny.

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God bless you and Kennedy. How can we help Kennedy now? He has a monumental task before him.

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Now, with the tidal wave of presumption of competence via letterboard and keyboard communication, it is becoming even more clear than Bernadine Healy, MD Former NIH Director even knew back in 2008 that the extra-sensitive and already-brilliantly gifted individuals have been the ones most adversely affected. egg chicken. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVV-hZeqMkQ

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