Congratulations JB, your insightful and thoughtful writing continues to help to change minds on this most difficult subject. Note, not controversial subject, there is no longer any controversy. Aluminium is a significant contributor (perhaps the most critical) to the aetiology of autism.

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Dr. Exley: you are a true hero of mine, thank you for your courage! JB

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Mine too!

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Very well done. What are your thoughts on how aluminum combines with electromagnetic/ wireless radiation? I've noticed a trend in autism since the rollout of digital cell service: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/i/140755745/autisms-history-of-radiation

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Toxic burden is an additive 'camel straw' problem. Autism 'cause' has many, many, factors is what I discovered. Thalidomide for example is still a medication that is used for a few conditions, and if a woman on it gets pregnant, the baby is more likely to have autism.

Yes, EMF exposure is an added risk. It would be increasing IL-6 levels too.

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True. Not “controversial.” Just called that by people who don't want the discussion to take place since they know they stand on shaky ground.

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It’s only controversial when it starts tugging on their wallet.

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For those who have injected their now-autistic children with aluminum, this information could be a hard pill to swallow (so to speak).

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I love this - “not controversial, there is no longer any controversy…” Indeed!

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No controversy thanks to steady scientific work. Grateful.

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Thank you for your work. Do you have any thoughts on what we can do to remove the aluminium from our children's brains ...?

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Drinking silica rich mineral water removes aluminum. Examples of silica water are Fiji, Volvic and Spritzer. There are many other waters that have enough silica. For children 3 years of age and older drink 3 to 4 cups (1litre) a day and spread the drinking throughout the day. Children under 3 can drink silica water but need to drink less (base the amount of the amount of water that is safe for the age of your child). Silica supplements can not be used as they either don't have the form of silica needed to remove aluminum or the supplement does not have the form of silica needed (OSA - orthosilicic acid).

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Yes, please read the many relevant posts on my substack or my book.

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Thanks Dr. Exley, and JB Handley, this is a great summary of great work - as an independent researcher with Alzheimer's in my genetic risk and in my mother - an important word is missing from this lengthy article - histamine. How is the toxic aluminum leading to overactive microglia in the brain? What makes microglia activated? . . . and this directly relates to JB Handley's question of What to do about this? A very restricted low histamine food diet can make major enormous differences in daily function.

My mother calls me Jenny often enough now that it didn't surprise me, but it did surprise the Hospice worker. Seriously 'a miracle' - of changed diet. And Pomegranate juice/peel is also protective - reduces IL-6. "What to do about it," is my main focus as I prefer health to illness, whether mental or physical. My mother's brother died of Alz. and her other brother has it, and her function has gotten better under my dietary care, though she is still in end stages. The extreme paranoia/running away behavior is gone unless I screw up and give a wrong food.

Brave AI on the question of "role of histamine in activation of brain microglia"


It gave me: Histamine Activates Brain Microglia

Histamine, a neurotransmitter and peripheral inflammatory mediator, plays a significant role in modulating brain microglial activity. Microglia, the resident immune cells of the central nervous system, are activated in response to various stimuli, including histamine.

Histamine Receptors in Microglia

Histamine binds to four G-protein coupled receptors (H1R, H2R, H3R, and H4R) in the brain. Microglial cells express histamine receptors, particularly H1R and H4R, which are involved in regulating their function.

Activation of Microglia by Histamine

Histamine can activate microglia through both autocrine and paracrine signaling pathways. In response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation, microglia produce histamine, which then binds to H3R, inhibiting chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and cytokine secretion. This suggests that histamine can regulate microglial function by modulating their migratory behavior, phagocytic activity, and inflammatory mediator release.

In Vivo Evidence

Studies have demonstrated that histamine modulates microglial migration and cytokine release in vivo. For example, histamine has been shown to impair midbrain dopaminergic development in vivo by activating histamine type 1 receptors (H1R).

Clinical Relevance

The role of histamine in microglial activation has implications for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), where neuroinflammation is a hallmark feature. Unraveling the cellular and molecular mechanisms triggered by histamine in neurodegenerative conditions, including PD, is crucial for understanding the pathophysiological relevance of histamine concentrations used in these studies.


In summary, histamine plays a modulatory role in brain microglia activation, regulating their migratory behavior, phagocytic activity, and inflammatory mediator release through autocrine and paracrine signaling pathways. Further research is needed to elucidate the specific mechanisms by which histamine influences microglial function and its implications for neurodegenerative diseases.

Follow up ....

Histamine induces microglia activation and dopaminergic neuronal toxicity via H1 receptor activation https://jneuroinflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12974-016-0600-0

Histamine: a new immunomodulatory player in the neuron-glia crosstalk, https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/cellular-neuroscience/articles/10.3389/fncel.2014.00120/full

Histamine modulates microglia function, https://jneuroinflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1742-2094-9-90

Histamine H3 receptor in primary mouse microglia inhibits chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and cytokine secretion, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25754956/

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Hi J.B. and Dr. Exley. I am in the midst of negotiating with my wife when, if, and how many vaccines to give to our 6 months old. I find your work compelling; however, it's hard to judge it as a lay person. I am in Canada and the page on aluminum safety https://immunizebc.ca/vaccine-safety/ingredients directs the reader to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia website which references a few of Paul Offit endorsed studies https://www.chop.edu/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-safety/vaccine-ingredients/aluminum. What do. you make of these? This is inevitably where I will be directed if I share your article with friends in the medical/science community.

Goullé JP, Grangeot-Keros L. Aluminum and vaccines: Current state of knowledge. Med Mal Infect 2020 Feb;50:16-21.

Although aluminum at high doses can cause a variety of clinical manifestations, the quantity of aluminum in vaccines is too small to cause a direct toxic effect. Indeed, the quantity of aluminum in biological specimens from those receiving aluminum-containing vaccines is indistinguishable from unvaccinated subjects. The concern that aluminum in vaccines might be associated with a rare autoimmune disease called macrophagic myofasciitis has been refuted by previous studies.

Karwowski MP, Stamoulis C, Wenren LM, et al. Blood and hair aluminum levels, vaccine history, and early infant development: a cross-sectional study. Acad Pediatr 2018;18:161-165.

Children aged 9 to 13 months, excluding those who received aluminum-containing pharmaceuticals, were evaluated for blood and hair aluminum levels, vaccination history, and cognitive, language and motor development scores. The authors found no correlation between infant blood or hair aluminum concentrations and vaccine history or between blood aluminum and overall developmental status.

Ameratunga R, Gills D, Gold M, et al. Evidence refuting the existence of autoimmune/autoinflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2017;5:1551-1555.

The authors identified two studies refuting the claim for autoimmune/autoinflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) as suggested by Shoenfeld and coworkers. In one study, lupus patients were found to have no increase in exacerbations after receiving a hepatitis B vaccine containing an aluminum adjuvant. A second study evaluated the incidence of autoimmune disease in more than 18,000 patients who received subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy containing large quantities of injected aluminum. Patients receiving injected aluminum were found to have a lower incidence of autoimmune disease compared with controls. The authors concluded that current studies do not support the existence of ASIA.

Mitkus RJ, King DB, Hess MA, et al. Updated aluminum pharmacokinetics following infant exposures through diet and vaccination. Vaccine 2011; 29:9538-9543.

The authors found that the burden of aluminum from diet and from vaccines given according to the CDC schedule within the first year of life was well within levels considered to be safe, even when the infant was small for age (i.e., equal to or less than the 5thpercentile for weight).

Jefferson T, Rudin M, Di Pietrantonj C. Adverse events after immunization with aluminium-containing DTP vaccines: systematic review of the evidence. Lancet Infect Dis 2004;4:84-90. The authors reviewed the incidence of adverse events after exposure to aluminum-containing diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP), alone or in combination, compared with identical vaccines, either without aluminum or containing aluminum in different concentrations. In children up to 18 months of age, aluminum-containing vaccines were associated with more erythema and induration than vaccines without aluminum. They were not, however, associated with serious adverse events.

Keith LS, Jones DE, Chou CHSJ. Aluminum toxicokinetics regarding infant diet and vaccinations. Vaccine 2002;20:S13-S17.

The authors determined whether exposure to aluminum in the diet and in vaccines during the first year of life exceeded the minimal risk level (MRL) set by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). They found that the amount of aluminum received from vaccines was greater than that from dietary sources; however, this level was routinely below the MRL with the exception of brief periods immediately following vaccination. Levels of exposure slightly above the MRL were also likely to be safe given the manner in which the MRL is calculated.

Reviewed by Paul A. Offit, MD, on December 15, 2022

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Well, both JB and I have heard and read all of this scientific nonsense too many times to mention. PO, the 'scientist' who claims that aluminium is an essential element for infants!

If you are willing then read many of the posts on my substack to answer your questions. I am sure that you will find the same on JB's substack.

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Thank you for the reply! My intention is to share J.B's article with a friend who is a professor of chemistry and our Doctor and want to be prepared for a redirect to the above work.

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Good for you. Share my substack with the same individuals.

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Sep 6Liked by J.B. Handley

The premise that we are born defective and require the injection of diseases and toxins to acquire or maintain good health is ludicrous and defies all common sense and logic. Germ theory (note the word theory) and its concommitant pharmaceutical weaponry has been used and continues to be used to camouflage the ongoing poisonous assault upon this planet and humanity. It is the integrity and purity of the terrain, both inner and outer, that is essential for good health.

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Farmers with good terrain must still plant seeds. Spontaneous generation doesn't work very well in farming. ("Volunteer" crops don't suffice.)

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Very very well-written and well-explained article. Thank you!!

Also see:


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truly honored to hear from you!

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Sep 12Liked by J.B. Handley

Thank you for continuing to inform people about aluminum and Autism. This information is so important and should be mainstream and make headline news. I am a retired School Psychologist who witnessed first hand the exponential rise in Autism. At my first job I met the 1st child with Autism he was in a special education preschool in the public schools. I don't remember there being any other children with Autism in this elementary school. In the last school where I worked there were several special education classrooms for children with Autism and there was at least 1 child "on the spectrum" in every classroom. I also witnessed first hand the increase in food allergies, attentional issues, bone breaks and asthma. All can be linked to aluminum and as we know the major source of aluminum for children comes from vaccines. The good news is drinking silica water can improve language, attention and social skills in children. Children who drink silica water will also start eating a wider range of foods. Here is a link to anecdotal information of improvement seen in children with autism from drinking silica water. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/sample-page/

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Note, the bastardized version of English (thanks to the Berkeley institute) spells aluminium incorrectly.

Unless the Hopi Indians spoke English first 😂

200 years young, yet is the authority on English.

You Americans couldn't even have you're own language, you Nick everything, and then rewrite history for rockefella.

Let's call Autism what it is, Aluminium poisoning by vaccines and geo engineering and food contamination.

It's attracted to the pineal gland, and covers it, which effects cognition.

Calcification of the pineal gland is also responsible for many mental problems, like ADhd etc.

Colgate anyone?

I think I said all this about 7 years ago, cutting edge medical research -NOT!

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I have been following you for years and have always found your writing to be relatable yet reliably scientific. You also help spell it out for us dummies. I just can’t thank you enough. Going to share on X and send to my integrative dr who also has peds at his practice. You are a blessing.

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Thank you JB for your tireless search for answers. As the mom of a 37 year old daughter, I’m always searching too. She is verbal but suffers greatly physically to the point she just wants to die. We could never afford the alternative treatments and it breaks my heart to see her suffer so much, but I am always encouraged by your commitment to find those answers for Jaimie and all the othered affected by this condition.

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Hello Lynne - I'm so sad to hear of your daughter's suffering. If you are open to natural remedies (for only the cost of food and maybe supplements), you might try the Medical Medium (MM) protocols for removal of heavy metals and knocking back the viruses he says are causing so much suffering. It has worked miracles for me with physical symptoms. This mom has documented her removal of autism symptoms from her young son with these protocols. (you must have an Instagram (IG) account to see this: https://www.instagram.com/medicalmediummommy/ ) All MM information is freely available on his website, his IG, Telegram, Apple Podcasts, books at libraries, etc: https://www.medicalmedium.com/

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I believe autism is an autoimmune disorder, which easily explains why mRNA vaccines would lead to higher of autism.

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Show me the immune system on a medical diagram......in fact , show me RNA from a microscope, in fact , unless your using an EMF visual detector, it's all hogwash.....

The immune system is an emf Biofield created by your heart.

I hope this info, redirects your study!

You're welcome.


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My fear is that in an effort to “remove” these adjuvants from vaccines they will move to an all mRNA platform which I think may do just as much if not more harm. Surely Moderna would love to butt into all the billions spent on vaccines by selling parents a “safe Al free” version of all 900 childhood vaccinations.

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Thank you for keeping exposing the truth. I am just a lay person, a mom of a non-speaker, but I wonder if it is possible to effectively detox the aluminum from their brains ? I have read about parents using Fiji water, or water prepared for them with a specific silica, or using homeopathic remedies for detoxing it, or chelation, or some type of food that be able to detox heavy metals, for sure I will try but I also wonder If there are studies that demonstrate getting rid of aluminum from the brain it is possible.

My other questions are: “Why that process happens in some kids but not all?”

Were those 5 people with autism non-speakers or what level of Autism they had ?

Thanks again Mr. Handley

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Read Dr Exely's work (he's on substack) and book. He did a study with people with Alzheimer's and silica water. From memory, excretion of aluminium in urine was found and some participants experienced cognitive improvements.

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I hear there are effective treatments for strokes and alzheimers ... I wonder if off label treatments with these drugs for autism would work or help a bit?

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Silica water. It's not a drug. As per Dr Exley's study, it significantly helped some people.

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Thank you so much 😀

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"Why that process happens in some kids but not all?” is an excellent question.

We're working hard on that!

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Guillemette Crepeaux Has anyone studied the amount of OSA and the amount of aluminum in pregnant woman and the risk of Autism? What is the relationship between a woman who is breastfeeding and their body burden of aluminum and the rate of Autism? What is the relationship between the amount of OSA in their breast milk and the rate of Autism ? Here are 2 studies in this regard. More studies are needed.

Kristien Van Dyke in 2000 measured the silicon (OSA) content of blood serum in different aged individuals486. She found very high levels of OSA in infants less than a year old and extremely low levels in pregnant mothers. Van Dyke came to a startling conclusion:

“The explanation of the high silicon levels of the infant group, especially (<1yr), may be that pregnant mothers offer their silicon to the growing fetus …”

In 1990 Tanaka found levels of silica in breastmilk of 470 to 670ug/liter from 1 week to 1 month of birth487. These findings suggest that OSA is a required nutrient that mothers have evolved to supply to the fetus and infant.

486. Van Dyck, K., et al.; Indications of silicon essentiality in humans – Serum concentrations in Belgian children and adults, including pregnant women; Biological Trace Element Res.; 77:25-32 (2000)

487. Tanaka, T., et al.; Silicon concentrations in maternal serum and breastmilk in the postpartum period; Nihon Eiseigaku Zasshi; Oct.; 45(4):919-25 (1990)

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This is a very intriguing comment, thanks for sharing the references. Chris Exley has shown that drinking silica rich mineral water removes aluminum from the body via the kidneys.

My wife has been drinking silica rich mineral water during pregnancy for this reason.

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You are welcome. Congratulations on “being pregnant”. It is always nice to get confirmation on what you are doing. My niece is expecting and started drinking silica water a few months prior to getting pregnant and has been drinking silica water throughout her pregnancy.

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Where can I buy or how can I make silica water? I have a son with adhd and dyslexia and extremely slow motility .... I think all these conditions are related...

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Here is a link to the silica water recipe. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/silicade/

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Fiji water is one water which has enough silica to remove aluminum. Volvic and Spritzer are two more waters. Here is a link to a list of bottled waters from around the world. The recipe to make your own silica water is called Silicade. The recipe was developed by my husband, Dennis N Crouse who is a chemist. I will post a link. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/2021/08/26/bottled-silica-waters-from-around-the-world/

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Fiji water on Amazon has very high content. If you're in the UK there is a small company inspired by Chris Exley's research called silicawaters.com that sell 2 brands, including one in glass bottles. If you are in America there are probably plenty more, google silica rich mineral waters to find some other options.

Dennis Crouse has a book showing how to make silica water, though Chris Exley is skeptical of ingesting something made at home.

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Wow. Absolute powerhouse of a post. If I have anything valuable to add, it’d be that, through my years of recreational tinkering with my brain chemistry, I know for a fact that the world exists inside our heads and that a foreign substance can absolutely alter that world. It can make solids into liquids and comfort into pain. So it is crystal clear to me that aluminum particles, and other pharmaceutical trash, can and do forever alter the worlds inside our kids’ heads. I’d also add that, while it’s important to engage on the plane of science and reason, to understand the full scope you have to stop assuming goodwill on the other side. They know full well what they are doing. They lie as a religion. This isn’t negligence. It’s malice.

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The book "Crooked" by Forrest Maready, described this very "Trojan Horse" theory by which macrophages take the aluminum products and carry them to the brain, where they induce damage. He wrote this book in 2018. It's on Amazon.

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Thanks James. This topic is also covered in my book, How to End the Autism Epidemic, also published in 2018, apparently a great year for books telling the truth about what happened to our kids

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Thank you for compiling the most thorough explanation I’ve ever seen on this topic.

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Does this knowledge about the cause of autism suggest any effective treatments for it?

I have an autistic nephew and would love to help him if I can.

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TRS has been used by m y with great success as has another one with 3 letters— but I can NEVER remember it.

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COSEVA TRS perhaps?

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How do I explain my child being in the Autistic spectrum and completely unvaxed. The mother, me, no vaccines for the 15 yrs preconception. I breast fed and made all her food. No additives, dies ect. Yet, by 2yrs old, her issues were undeniable. I did not medicate her at all. My homeopath supplemented her diet with acetylcholine. Chiropractic helped restore her nervous system via neck and spinal work post “C” section. We did lots of other remedial exercise therapies to strengthen her vestibular and proprioceptive systems. By grade 1, she was downgraded to ADD. At 20 yrs old, she manages her challenges well and is on the dean’s list studying graphic arts.

Personally, I think we should look into the damages incurred to the vestibular system via ultrasounds. If the vestibular system is being damaged in utero then further damaged with other chemicals, what chance do they have?

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Sylvie: I certainly can't explain it. Congrats on all of your daughters hard-won improvements. Vaccines certainly aren't the only thing that can trigger immune activation events in babies' brains, they are just ruthlessly efficient at doing so.

Something else that makes this debate so hard is the wide range of outcomes that we still apply an autism label to. For example, getting "downgraded" to ADD by grade 1 certainly puts your daughter in a different place than my nonspeaking son who unfortunately never got off the spectrum. Why was Jamie's outcome different? We did more than our fair share of biomed and alternative treatments...Would your daughter have been worse off if she had gotten vaccinated (we will never know, I obviously have a guess).

I wish we knew more. What I do know is that about 90% of the parents I know with children with more severe autism (non speaking, need lifetime and 24 hour care) blame the vaccines, they watched their child regress with time like I did. Thrilled your baby girl Is on the dean's list and managing well!

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Doesn’t the Vit K shot (which many would not consider a vaccine) contain aluminum?

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Good question, gotta 22 year old an' wonder the same!

I tried ta fight it but they FORCED it on my daughter--this, even tho' I had VitK in a BOTTLE (drops) and a letter from the pediatrician--they threatened to call ACS (that's like CPS but in NYC it's ACS) on us an' label it "neglect" -- so given the choice of a) lose the baby to child protective services or b) let 'er have the VitK jab--I let the shot happen cuz I figgered that if they took 'er away from me they'd jab 'er up worse. (Also, it's not unknown for concerned staff to unofficially jab an infant with hep-B EVEN if the fam doesn't want it...they do it when the baby is taken to be weighed etc--some nurses even brag 'bout such "heroism" on their part online ... they just can't "STAND" to see a baby leave the hoss-spit-all "unprotected...")

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

On ultrasound, a must read summary of little known research coming out of China: Jim West (2015) https://a.co/d/9UiZBWT

He also surmises a synergistic effect may be occurring between vaccines and ultrasound.

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Thank You for that! Just ordered it.

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Thank you JB

Please consider one more common adjuvant with a level of toxicity that is only recently being proven out by a growing group of us working with Grant Genereux and Garrett Smith. Please check out Garrett's related threads on retinoids on Twitter @nutridetect or Grant's forum and e-books at ggenereux.com

Thank you and please keep going.

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I am always sending Dr. Exley’s research to people, but it’s wonderful to have these other scientists providing evidence. Thank you so much!

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