SEMINOLE, Texas—Oh no, there’s a terrible measles outbreak in Texas.
Oh wait, there were 16 measles outbreaks in 2024…
And 220 in 2011…
And 55 in 2012…
And 159 in 2013…
And 645 in 2014…
And I could keep going forever, and there always will be outbreaks and of course the reasons why this is true is rarely reported, so here are some simple facts and some science that you can share with your friends:
Fact: The measles vaccine effectiveness wanes over time, as a study proved in 2023.
The study is called:
Quantification of Waning Immunity After Measles Vaccination—Evidence From a Seroprevalence Study
The abstract concludes:
The average rate of waning immunity against measles after the first dose of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine (ages 1.5–10 years) was 9.7% per year from the geometric mean titer value of 2,634 mUI/mL. The average waning rate after the second dose of MMR vaccine (ages 10–33 years) was significantly lower: 4.8% per year from the lower geometric mean titer of 1,331 mUI/mL. This decline in antibody levels suggests that vaccine-induced protection may be compromised and results in an increase in the proportion of seronegative/borderline individuals. These outcomes may provide a valuable source for critical assessment of direct and indirect effects of MMR vaccination.
In plain English: 20-45% of adults over the age of 24 no longer have vaccine-derived measles immunity. Read that sentence again! Here’s an image breakdown of the study with helpful notes for your skeptical friends.
It actually gets much, much worse if you read the story behind the story, and it goes something like this:
Nearly 100% of people in the world over the age of 60 have natural immunity to measles because they had measles as a child. As this study no one wants to talk about—Measles Vaccination Before the Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine—explained:
At the beginning of the 1960s, it was clear that a vaccine against measles would soon be available. Although measles was (and remains) a killer disease in the developing world, in the United States and Western Europe this was no longer so. Many parents and many medical practitioners considered measles an inevitable stage of a child’s development. . . . By 1960, thanks to the use of antibiotics and improvements in living conditions, measles mortality was declining steadily in industrialized countries. . . . Parents largely came to see measles as an unpleasant, although more or less inevitable, part of childhood. Many primary care physicians shared this view.
And, guess what? This population cohort with natural-dervied measles immunity is getting older, dying, and their share of the population is on a rapid decline. They are the ones—these people with natural measles immunity— keeping measles in check, and as they die off, guess what’s going to happen? Measles cases will skyrocket. Why? Because of accelerated loss of measles-derived immunity from all the adults who never had measles. Further proof that when you mess with Mother Nature, bad things happen.
Fact: The risk of death from measles is greatly exaggerated
We have great data from the 1950s and 1960s, before public health became a vaccine hype machine. Looking at my neighbor to the north, the state of Washington, they had 16,659 cases of measles in 1959…and 1 death. 1/16,659=.0000600276
Fact: We don’t have herd immunity anywhere
The lack of protection that so many adults have to so many diseases destroys the very notion that we have “herd immunity” anywhere, and yet the fear-mongering persists.
To put this in perspective, there are roughly 150 million adults in the United States walking around with no vaccine-provided protection from many diseases that we are supposed to have met herd immunity thresholds for. The CDC surveys adults every year, so it’s easy enough to find vaccination coverage rates. Here are just a few: hepatitis A (9 percent), hepatitis B (24.5 percent), pneumococcal (20.4 percent), and influenza (43.2 percent). These adults work in schools (where they don’t have the same immunization requirements as children), work in restaurants, work in stores, and are in every community, which means we are nowhere close to herd immunity and never have been. In fact, I don’t think most adults even realize the CDC maintains an adult immunization schedule. With so many people unvaccinated or with waned immunity from vaccines, where are all the crippling epidemics?
In an article in the congressional newspaper The Hill titled, “If only half of America is properly vaccinated, where are the epidemics?” written by Gretchen DuBeau, the executive director of the Alliance for Natural Health, she explains this logic gap, writing:
While herd immunity may not exist, herd mentality most definitely does. Health authorities, media commentators, and schools and their parent–teacher associations waste no opportunity in perpetuating this myth. Proponents have done such a thorough job of convincing the public that a parent who questions it is treated like someone who thinks the earth is flat or believes climate change is a conspiracy. On the contrary: an unprejudiced view of the science about vaccines, and an examination of history, clearly show that the herd immunity theory is—and always has been—flawed.
Fact: Vaccination rates for children in the US have never been higher.
Here’s the CDC’s own data:
Fact: We don’t even vaccinate for most communicable diseases, so those outbreaks never make the news
Here’s Oregon’s data:
Don’t believe the hype. So, what’s going on in Texas right now? My opinion goes something like this:
Big Pharma and all those who benefit from their largesse would love to see RFK Jr removed from his perch at HHS. What better way to do so than with a measles outbreak, which was absolutely guaranteed to happen. So, bureaucrats at the CDC, mainstream media, and key spokespeople for Big Pharm (who pose as doctors) all collude to hype the crap out of something that happens all the time, and hope RFK Jr’s response to it somehow puts him in a terrible position and he does something to get himself fired.
About the author
J.B. Handley is the proud father of a child with Autism. He spent his career in the private equity industry and received his undergraduate degree with honors from Stanford University. His first book, How to End the Autism Epidemic, was published in September 2018. The book has sold more than 75,000 copies, was an NPD Bookscan and Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller, broke the Top 40 on Amazon, and has more than 1,000 Five-star reviews. Mr. Handley and his nonspeaking son are also the authors of Underestimated: An Autism Miracle and co-produced the film SPELLERS, available now on YouTube.
20-1 returns is why Bill Gates got into vaccine manufacturing business, not to help but to make money. He admits it was his best investment. Why not invest in an industry that gives the manufactures immunity from liability when the product you make harms your consumers. Sounds like a no brainer!
In the Divided States of Absurdistan in 2025 we've all heard the phrase "vaccines have saved millions of lives!"
I'd argue the phrase "vaccines have provided a plethora of future patients for the medical industrial complex."
Both Rockefeller and Gates got in on the ground floor of great business opportunities. Rockefeller started the American Medical Association that has no oversight and trains all the doctors and nurses after they send them to Rockefeller controlled medical institutions.
Johns Hopkins admitted that 244,000 people die from medical errors on 2016. They even wentbin to say it may be as high as 400,000.
So Gates and Gavi, and Rockefeller and the AMA are well known respected philanthropists. That word seems to have an association with benevolence. Is that true? Philathropy capitalism is something you may want to look into.
Bill Gates is not a benevolent man.
Rockefeller and that whole family may get benevolent reviews and never much pushback for his turning the medical profession into a business.
In business you need repeat customers. So is curing people a good business model?
There seems to be a conflict of interest that should be pretty concerning regarding these 2 people. Gates and the Rockefeller family.
They have enough money to donate huge amounts of money to get good press coverage from the trusted news sources. Trusted?
Well, maybe the people who still have trust in people who beem caught lying for decades shouldn't be trusted. Operation Mocking Bird was something that got coverage in the mid 1970's and was about having CIA bring involved in the media. Another conflict of interest that should have caused outrage! Men storming the capital to protest being socially engineered to belive CIA propaganda.
That didn't happen. Men were either to busy working and after work watch TV programming and on the weekends they were watching a great new form of bread and circuses. Professional Sports!
Instead of being involved in important things happening, many people were immersed in superficial, and inauthentic entertainment.
Were at this point in this crazy world because smart people worked with evil people to distract us from authentic problems that needed to be addressed but instead Absurdistinians were to busy trying to do what everyone was doing. Going to work and then relaxing after watching TV "programming" to relax, be entertained?
They weren't giving you this entertainment for your benefit they giving it to you for many reasons.
To keep you preoccupied with nonsense while a small number of legislators and corporations who bribe those legislators with lobby money made important decisions that people were too busy to be involved with.
I'm no genius but my pretty accurate description of what seemed to get us to what I call the Divided States of Absurdistan. The most divide and propagandandized civilization in the history of the world!
On the brink of collapse and the Hatfield's (democrats) and the McCoy's ( republicans) are still having their never ending feud ramped up to spectacular levels where they wish death upon their subhuman political opponents.
Is this progress or are the people pulling the string evil geniuses?
You make the call!
I praise all you unvaxxed people who had eyes to see and stood your ground on principal.
You were paying attention while the rest of the world wasn't.
We were paying attention to important things while the others were listening to known liars and experts and authorities who are bought and paid for like all those politicians!
Pay attention! My 2 words of advice.
Good luck!
Bless you my friend for this breath of fresh air/truth amidst the maddening den of lies and greed. I keep RFKjr in my prayers to stay safe and grow in discernment. I believe he will outmaneuver the satanic forces aligned against him. These are God's children that the satanist are messing with.