20-1 returns is why Bill Gates got into vaccine manufacturing business, not to help but to make money. He admits it was his best investment. Why not invest in an industry that gives the manufactures immunity from liability when the product you make harms your consumers. Sounds like a no brainer!

In the Divided States of Absurdistan in 2025 we've all heard the phrase "vaccines have saved millions of lives!"

I'd argue the phrase "vaccines have provided a plethora of future patients for the medical industrial complex."

Both Rockefeller and Gates got in on the ground floor of great business opportunities. Rockefeller started the American Medical Association that has no oversight and trains all the doctors and nurses after they send them to Rockefeller controlled medical institutions.

Johns Hopkins admitted that 244,000 people die from medical errors on 2016. They even wentbin to say it may be as high as 400,000.

So Gates and Gavi, and Rockefeller and the AMA are well known respected philanthropists. That word seems to have an association with benevolence. Is that true? Philathropy capitalism is something you may want to look into.

Bill Gates is not a benevolent man.

Rockefeller and that whole family may get benevolent reviews and never much pushback for his turning the medical profession into a business.

In business you need repeat customers. So is curing people a good business model?

There seems to be a conflict of interest that should be pretty concerning regarding these 2 people. Gates and the Rockefeller family.

They have enough money to donate huge amounts of money to get good press coverage from the trusted news sources. Trusted?

Well, maybe the people who still have trust in people who beem caught lying for decades shouldn't be trusted. Operation Mocking Bird was something that got coverage in the mid 1970's and was about having CIA bring involved in the media. Another conflict of interest that should have caused outrage! Men storming the capital to protest being socially engineered to belive CIA propaganda.

That didn't happen. Men were either to busy working and after work watch TV programming and on the weekends they were watching a great new form of bread and circuses. Professional Sports!

Instead of being involved in important things happening, many people were immersed in superficial, and inauthentic entertainment.

Were at this point in this crazy world because smart people worked with evil people to distract us from authentic problems that needed to be addressed but instead Absurdistinians were to busy trying to do what everyone was doing. Going to work and then relaxing after watching TV "programming" to relax, be entertained?

They weren't giving you this entertainment for your benefit they giving it to you for many reasons.

To keep you preoccupied with nonsense while a small number of legislators and corporations who bribe those legislators with lobby money made important decisions that people were too busy to be involved with.

I'm no genius but my pretty accurate description of what seemed to get us to what I call the Divided States of Absurdistan. The most divide and propagandandized civilization in the history of the world!

On the brink of collapse and the Hatfield's (democrats) and the McCoy's ( republicans) are still having their never ending feud ramped up to spectacular levels where they wish death upon their subhuman political opponents.

Is this progress or are the people pulling the string evil geniuses?

You make the call!

I praise all you unvaxxed people who had eyes to see and stood your ground on principal.

You were paying attention while the rest of the world wasn't.

We were paying attention to important things while the others were listening to known liars and experts and authorities who are bought and paid for like all those politicians!

Pay attention! My 2 words of advice.

Good luck!

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Bless you my friend for this breath of fresh air/truth amidst the maddening den of lies and greed. I keep RFKjr in my prayers to stay safe and grow in discernment. I believe he will outmaneuver the satanic forces aligned against him. These are God's children that the satanist are messing with.

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The media technique of hyping a common occurrence as if it's rare and devastating is done constantly with almost every subject. They do it with diseases, the weather, politics, wars, you name it.

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Great content. Thank you for bringing common sense, facts, and truth to the people. It gets old hearing, reading, and seeing so many lies and fake news penetrate legacy news media outlets, and now popping up within our own Health MAHA movement.

This Substack is a great breakdown of the truth. I will be sharing widely and encourage our MILLION+ TTAC Substack Subscribers to do the same. Thank you, J.B. Handley. Very well done.

Friends, please read and share this important Substack with everyone you know. We all need to push the truth out together and rally around and support those who are putting it out.

We all need to support RFK, Jr NOW more than ever so that he can get the job done. How can Bobby lead this fight for America's health if we don't stand with him? So share. Now. With everyone!

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Thanks again, JB. As always, right on target.

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Great article that I will be sharing. Another doctor who came out swinging against Rfk jr, but has softened a tad bit is Dr Malik. Here he also does a good job sorting fact & fiction with measles: https://substack.com/@docmalik/p-158215695

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Thanks as always JB. Your book was a game changer. Your analysis in the book where you discuss that part of the propaganda campaign that seeks to normalize autism through the lens of “neurodiversity” — was groundbreaking. The most masterful obfuscation big pharma ever devised. If we are all neurodiverse, no one is neurodiverse. Thus no one has autism because everyone has autism. Then everyone got gaslit during covid and that put an even finer point on your argument. Here you are again stating the obvious truth that most people never consider: the schools are jam packed with adults who are effectively unvaccinated. And yet it’s the unvaccinated kids who are “the danger”. So clear. So clean. So simple. Devastating truth. And all those who push these mandates on

our precious babies can just go fuck a duck.

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Bingo, nailed it again!!

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Thank you. Well written and clear!

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Thaks JB!

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Great work thank you sir, once again. Another thing going on in TX may well be shedding from the jab clinic, as in the same vicinity, which led to the ‘outbreak’.

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This one talks about that-immediately following vaccine handouts, there was a 242% increase!


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Excellent piece! Thank you for the truly excellent statistics.

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Spot on. Hadn’t thought of that angle. Thank you JB.

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My favorite parts of Covid:

The Doctors

Of The Medical Freedom Movement

Are Fighting For Their Reputations.

They’re Not Fighting For The Truth. They Can’t.

Because The Truth

Will Destroy Their Profession

And Consequently Their Reputations.

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Titers measure the supposed antibodies. However the high court in Germany found no proof of the existance of the virus in the paper underpinning the entire field of virology.


It follows that there is no proof of the existence of a specific antibody and therefore a vaccine to create that antibody. Parents could be charged with battery, assault and poisoning of their kids since there is no legal loophole without the proof of it being a vaccine.

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Is this the future for the kids who also got the chicken pox vaccine? I had chicken pox late, when I was 12. However, people understood it was good for you to get it young. When I read the chicken pox vax only lasts for 10 years, I thought, is that a disaster waiting to happen? Incidentally, I had a virus panel run recently. I still register antibodies to chicken pox. It’s been 35 years.

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Had as a child, as well as siblings & parents & grandparents & we all were fine, too. Meanwhile, back in the day when I was unaware, my offspring had the MMR series-one of which got chicken pox 3 times!! I cringe now & wish I knew then what I know now.

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Chicken pox 3x?? I have never heard of that. I didn’t get the MMR until college.

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