Ronald Reagan, father of the autism epidemic
And Congressman Henry Waxman gets the assist by shaming Reagan into signing the 1986 vaccine indemnification act
WASHINGTON, D.C.—On October 20, 1986, the Los Angeles Times ran a story regarding a controversial bill making its way through Congress, the headline shouted:
Vaccine Injury Fund Bill Approved but Faces Veto
The story went on to explain the highly divisive nature of the bill, intended to shield vaccine makers from liability for their product, and the Reagan administration was speaking out to express their opposition:
In a strongly worded letter to House Speaker Tip O'Neil, the then secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Otis R. Bowen said, "The bill is likely to do little to assure the vaccine supply or to improve our childhood immunization efforts." Assistant Attorney General John R. Bolton, writing to the Head of the House Judiciary Committee on behalf of the Department of Justice, said the White House opposed the legislation because it was creating, "a major new entitlement program for which no legitimate need has been demonstrated."
Ronald Reagan himself was troubled by the vaccine compensation bill and was quoted as saying,
"Although the goal of compensating those persons is a worthy one, the program has…serious deficiencies."
The Reagan administration seemed to be particularly concerned with two issues: who was going to pay for the compensation required for vaccine injury, and the precedent of the federal government indemnifying private companies from liability.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was actually part of a larger bill, the Omnibus Health Bill (S. 1744), that was introduced in the waning days of the 99th Congress in late 1986. Leading a four-year effort to pass the controversial legislation on vaccine liability was a Congressman from the 30th District of California, Henry Waxman. Waxman's bill was supported by vaccine manufacturers, who were lobbying very hard on its behalf, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
To be fair, like many pieces of legislation, the bill had some reasonable intentions. The old DPT shot's rate of damage to children was skyrocketing, lawsuits were mounting, and vaccine makers were headed for the exits. And, the bill proposed the establishment of VAERS—today's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System—which beat the hell out of the non-existent system in place at the time.
In the waning days of the 99th Congress, the bill's passage was up in the air, with the White House declaring plans to veto the entire Omnibus package, due almost exclusively to the provisions in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Congressman Waxman, the bill's author, was unyielding, and worked the press to his advantage in the final days declaring:
"This bill is the first step to taking care of children hurt in the process of protecting society from epidemics and to ensure an adequate supply of vaccines. If the President vetoes it, he will leave these children to fend for themselves and leave the country with risks or shortages or skyrocketing prices. If he vetoes it, I hope he has some emergency plans to start making vaccines himself because the manufacturers tell us they may very well stop."
And, with the final threat of losing the entire manufacturing base of vaccine makers coming from Henry Waxman and the AAP, Ronald Reagan made the bill law on November 15, 1986 "with mixed feelings."
I really don't believe Ronald Reagan or Henry Waxman had any idea what a monster they had actually unleashed with the passage of this 1986 bill. Reading the newspaper articles discussing the bill before it passed, I was struck by the complete absence of one idea from any of the people or organizations advocating for its passing:
the need to create a supportive environment for producing MORE vaccines.
Not once, in any of the dozens of articles I read on the bill, did anyone even hint that our kids were in trouble unless many more vaccines were introduced. Waxman and others were focused solely on keeping the handful of vaccines we did have from disappearing—the bill’s purpose was to save the existing vaccine program, not create a foundation for tripling the number of shots given to our kids.
Just to review, in 1986, children only received the following vaccines: Polio, DTP, and MMR.
Today? Polio, DTP, MMR, Hep B, Hep A, Hib, Rotavirus, Varicella, PCV, Influenza, HPV, Meningococcal, and Covid.
I found a 1986 article from a Texas newspaper, the Mainland Extra, to be particularly revealing. In reminding its readers why vaccines were important, the Mainland explained that children in Texas needed to have three shots: DPT, MMR, and Polio, between the ages of 5 and 12. Shots before Age 5? Not even part of the agenda – just make sure your kids have them before kindergarten. (Who knew that only six years later, the CDC would be pushing to give Hep B on Day 1 of life!)
So, let's pause and think about this again:
The 1986 law was really enacted to save the existing vaccine program from collapsing.
At the time, the CDC's official schedule included 10 total vaccines that children were recommended to receive by the age of 5.
But, as the Texas article revealed (and the shot records of most kids born in the early 80s would corroborate) children were vaccinated with less regularity, when they were much older, and with even fewer vaccines than the recommended schedule.
Not one proponent of the bill advocated a need to motivate manufacturers to create NEW vaccines or ever cited anywhere that we were experiencing an epidemic of diseases for which we did not yet have vaccines—this notion had nothing to do with why the bill was passed.
And yet, as we all know, the passing of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986 was a watershed moment for the vaccine industry, unleashing two decades of escalating vaccine mandates, culminating in the bloated, 36 shot schedule we have today for kids under 5. The act sheltered vaccine companies, and they turned their R&D budgets back on, figured out how to ensure they bought the bureaucrats who decided which vaccines are added to the schedule through the ACIP, turned vaccine development into a profit growth engine, and the rest is history.
I believe that we won’t end the autism epidemic until we reform the vaccine schedule. While critics try to label us as “antivaccine,” the truth is that most of us are looking for moderation and a higher standard of caution in how and when vaccines are administered.
When you mention to a public health official the idea of reducing today’s vaccine schedule to a shorter list, like the one we used to give in the 1980s, they immediately kick into their pre-recorded lecture about the return of deadly disease, etc., etc. And yet, a close look at history, the history before vaccine manufacturers were indemnified, shows a very different truth.
In the early 1980s, deadly diseases had been dealt with. There were no frightening childhood disease epidemics scaring parents and wreaking havoc on our kids. And, during the very time when the fate of the entire vaccine program potentially hung in the balance because of the liability produced from DPT, NO ONE WAS ADVOCATING THE NEED FOR MORE VACCINES.
Oh, and the autism rate was 1 in 10,000, rather than the 1 in 36 we are seeing today.
One other thing that didn’t appear in any of the articles discussing the vaccine program in 1986? The word “autism”. No one had any clue what is was back then.
Let’s go back to the vaccine schedule before 1986, and watch the autism rate plummet. You can prevent deadly disease while preventing autism.
About the author
J.B. Handley is the proud father of a child with Autism. He spent his career in the private equity industry and received his undergraduate degree with honors from Stanford University. His first book, How to End the Autism Epidemic, was published in September 2018. The book has sold more than 75,000 copies, was an NPD Bookscan and Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller, broke the Top 40 on Amazon, and has more than 1,000 Five-star reviews. Mr. Handley and his nonspeaking son are also the authors of Underestimated: An Autism Miracle and co-produced the film SPELLERS, available now on YouTube.
No one in Congress or the White House could have imagined the catastrophic impact of this bill. But no one seems to have been concerned about the children being injured at the time. “Here’s some money,” for your and your child’s life is sickening. Not that the courts will allow a compensatory verdict anyway. My son was given the live cell DTP and no one informed me of its dangerous history. The adjuvants would still be used even with a return to the previous vaccine schedule. So until aluminum doesn’t have 3 electrons in its valence shell, manufacturers are held liable for vaccine injury, the truth is told, and parents are given their rights back, I do not believe there is any evidence to trust in vaccines or their maker, no matter what the schedule.
Reagan might not have known, but, without fail, whenever and wherever you have government protection or release of liability for anything you watch standards plummet, safeguards dismantled, and an explosion of irresponsible and wasteful behavior.
What makes the vaccine debacle worse than, say, giving government employees or auto manufacturers a liability shield is that we are literally poisoning and murdering the little children, those who depend entirely on us, the most helpless m, by the tens of millions.
I pray that RFKJr actually takes office and sheds a bright, bright light on the legions of diabolical cockroaches scurrying around DC and the corporate HQ of Big Pharma.