No one in Congress or the White House could have imagined the catastrophic impact of this bill. But no one seems to have been concerned about the children being injured at the time. “Here’s some money,” for your and your child’s life is sickening. Not that the courts will allow a compensatory verdict anyway. My son was given the live cell DTP and no one informed me of its dangerous history. The adjuvants would still be used even with a return to the previous vaccine schedule. So until aluminum doesn’t have 3 electrons in its valence shell, manufacturers are held liable for vaccine injury, the truth is told, and parents are given their rights back, I do not believe there is any evidence to trust in vaccines or their maker, no matter what the schedule.
No evidence whatsoever, it is all made up lies. Something that contains the alleged casue of the disease plus adjuvants (in reality toxic substances) can never be good for health.
Reagan might not have known, but, without fail, whenever and wherever you have government protection or release of liability for anything you watch standards plummet, safeguards dismantled, and an explosion of irresponsible and wasteful behavior.
What makes the vaccine debacle worse than, say, giving government employees or auto manufacturers a liability shield is that we are literally poisoning and murdering the little children, those who depend entirely on us, the most helpless m, by the tens of millions.
I pray that RFKJr actually takes office and sheds a bright, bright light on the legions of diabolical cockroaches scurrying around DC and the corporate HQ of Big Pharma.
Thank you for all your valuable work. The reality is that even a middling car mechanic could understand that vaccination could never work. You need to design engines, and tune them up to a pareto-optimal condition among several design parameters, performance, fuel economy, emissions, and so on. An engine really only has a small number of design parameters.
The human immune system is immensely more complex, namely, it is designed to always rebalance itself, and keep our system healthy, but vaccination primes it (tunes it) to respond just one or two or three objectives (pathogens), and therefore of necessity throws everything else out of whack. That should be very obvious to any car mechanic, engineer, or designer of economic or financial models - if you sub-optimize a system for just a few, arbitrary variables, you are throwing that system out of whack.
This is why the true cost of the vaccines shows up in all-cause mortality, and not in the tomfoolery of monitoring only for the target disease. For even if the vaccine adequately protects against one disease, by definition it throws the rest of the immune system out of whack and increases vulnerability. The truth is, you push in the balloon, it bulges out other places, and if it has a structural weakness somewhere, it may even pop. A car mechanic would understand, but not a doctor??? Fortunately a few do, and their voices are growing louder. Vaccination was nothing but a delusional attempt of improving on nature that has only made things worse, and with the covid vax it blew up altogehter. We need to rediscover the meaning of healthcare. Public health is about safe work places, traffic laws, safe agriculture, safe food, air pollution, and generally environmental degradation, it is about protecting the individual against carelessness in the management of the commons. Public Health is not about medicating people. We now have two monumental public health fiascos, fluoridation of drinking water, and vaccination. In both cases the mistake is the same, by mandating these measures and imposing them on people the individual nature of the health experience is being violated. Healthcare is strictly individual and personal which is why there is the protection of informed consent, which is being violated institutionally in all these mass medication strategies. It is the complete opposite of healthcare.
I never understood how Reagan even considered signing this, it undoubtedly caused the health crisis of our children for nearly 40yrs. In 2011 while pregnant w/ my first, I’d asked the pediatrician why a newborn would even need a HepB shot (just out of curiosity, since I had received the series prior to working in a clinical environment)…She shut my question down INSTANTLY. From that moment on, I was trained to “do as you’re told & don’t ask any questions” or you are a bad parent. I wish your book would have been available back then, it affirms everything we experience as mothers when it is obvious that something is just not right. Thanks for sharing your story, I pray for an end to this & may our country shift towards a healthier future for all children. 🙏🧡
JB, you're like a tireless detective who has accumulated all the evidence imaginable tracking down a suspect. If you could present your evidence to a jury they would have proof beyond reasonable doubt. Then you could expand your case beyond just autism. Food allergies, autoimmune diseases, learning disabilities and SIDS have all followed the same trajectory as autism over the last fifty years. And all of them are due to corrupted development of the neurological and immune systems. Although the cause or causes may be multi-factorial, we happen to coincidentally inject nearly everybody with something that directly challenges, disrupts and overstimulates the immune system(active and inactive biological material), and the neurological system (aluminum complexes). A single large scale independent trial could prove this connection. RFK can accomplish this, but we all have to support and protect him because there are a lot of powerful wealthy people who stand to lose that power and wealth if the population realizes the truth.
We can’t go back to the exact same schedule as 1985, because the DTP shot was killing kids (the whole reason for the change). But, we could substitute the DTaP, make the schedule voluntary, and watch what happens.
Here's an idea. Don't even change the schedule, but make it *truly* voluntary. In other words, it should operate on an opt-in basis, not an "opt-out, but you don't even know that you have that option, and the health department, schools, doctors, and insurance companies say your child cannot participate in society without all the shots" basis.
Then we could inform parents of the miniscule risk the targeted infections pose, along with informing them (and the doctors, since apparently they don't even know) about how to safely and naturally treat the infections (like Vitamins A and C for measles). And get true info about adverse events into the parents hands, too, while also removing the liability shield from manufacturers. Parents could have the knowledge to make informed decisions. Demand for vaccines would dwindle, and the manufacturers would find some other cash cow.
Yes, doctors should be forced to give out a brochure to every new parent listing the vaccines & side effects. It should also have a list of ingredients for each vaccine, & side effects of each ingredient listed. If it needs to be a small booklet, so be it. True informed consent should be a priority for all doctors. They should also have to study vaccines, side effects of ingredients, & have an understanding of the adjuvants in each. They should get more education on nutrition & body chemistry as well. Not just study what medications are to be prescribed for various conditions. Actually study HOW medications act on different people with different body constitutions. We are all slightly different. There isn’t & has never been one product that is universally “good” for all body types. Nor the same dosage for everyone, whether you’re are a newborn or 60 years old, & 180 lbs. This is ridiculous! The whole vaccine program is a bio weapons program. From the get-go! Should be abolished imo.
The vaccine manufacturers must have partied hard the evening the bill was passed. They must have anticipated the bonanza of money they would receive from increasing the number of vaccines. Not a thought about the safety of our children. All the guardrails were taken off that day. A dark day in the history of humanity.
Thank you. Great article. Incredible to know no one was even remotely concerned with adding new v’s for other diseases at that time. I was born January 1986, and I got my first DPT at 6 months.
A few times I spoke of the conflict of interests as well, on the ACIP members. Those ppl are heavy to blame! Have you ever listened to their meetings?!.. mindless yes men and women entirely disconnected with any critical analysis of studies or care for kids. Seems all they are capable of is continuously feeding the bloated vax schedule.
Reagan definitely had some idea of the harm that 1986 Act would bring. He told the CDC & manufacturers to make em safe. They told him this was impossible. That “vaccines were inherently unsafe, which is why they need immunity protection.” They can’t make vaccines without all the toxic adjuvants & they wouldn’t be able to continue their program. So Reagan signed the bill into law for immunity from liability, The 1986 Act. Thanks Reagan! For playing along with the globalists games. He did so much harm to Americans & our country. I’ve never considered him a great President like so many seem to. The vaccination scam has done so much damage. 1 in 30 children now born in the U.S. is on the autism spectrum. Makes me sick! Pun intended. 🤨
My understanding is he closed many mental health places too and the left (validly) blames that for some of the homeless people on the street etc but RFK suggests wellness centers and suddenly it means he wants to trap autistic people 🙄
That said, what do you think of the agreement he made with Sen Cassidy? I think there are workarounds for the vaccine schedule agreement part?
100% agree with this assessment and going forward the way we manage infectious disease needs to change, the Act needs to be repealed, the industry held accountable, and our children impacted supported through medical care for a special patient population.
Our beloved President Reagan is also the father of America’s divorce epidemic as the first to sign “No Fault Divorce” into law as governor of California.
No one in Congress or the White House could have imagined the catastrophic impact of this bill. But no one seems to have been concerned about the children being injured at the time. “Here’s some money,” for your and your child’s life is sickening. Not that the courts will allow a compensatory verdict anyway. My son was given the live cell DTP and no one informed me of its dangerous history. The adjuvants would still be used even with a return to the previous vaccine schedule. So until aluminum doesn’t have 3 electrons in its valence shell, manufacturers are held liable for vaccine injury, the truth is told, and parents are given their rights back, I do not believe there is any evidence to trust in vaccines or their maker, no matter what the schedule.
No evidence whatsoever, it is all made up lies. Something that contains the alleged casue of the disease plus adjuvants (in reality toxic substances) can never be good for health.
Reagan might not have known, but, without fail, whenever and wherever you have government protection or release of liability for anything you watch standards plummet, safeguards dismantled, and an explosion of irresponsible and wasteful behavior.
What makes the vaccine debacle worse than, say, giving government employees or auto manufacturers a liability shield is that we are literally poisoning and murdering the little children, those who depend entirely on us, the most helpless m, by the tens of millions.
I pray that RFKJr actually takes office and sheds a bright, bright light on the legions of diabolical cockroaches scurrying around DC and the corporate HQ of Big Pharma.
Thank you for all your valuable work. The reality is that even a middling car mechanic could understand that vaccination could never work. You need to design engines, and tune them up to a pareto-optimal condition among several design parameters, performance, fuel economy, emissions, and so on. An engine really only has a small number of design parameters.
The human immune system is immensely more complex, namely, it is designed to always rebalance itself, and keep our system healthy, but vaccination primes it (tunes it) to respond just one or two or three objectives (pathogens), and therefore of necessity throws everything else out of whack. That should be very obvious to any car mechanic, engineer, or designer of economic or financial models - if you sub-optimize a system for just a few, arbitrary variables, you are throwing that system out of whack.
This is why the true cost of the vaccines shows up in all-cause mortality, and not in the tomfoolery of monitoring only for the target disease. For even if the vaccine adequately protects against one disease, by definition it throws the rest of the immune system out of whack and increases vulnerability. The truth is, you push in the balloon, it bulges out other places, and if it has a structural weakness somewhere, it may even pop. A car mechanic would understand, but not a doctor??? Fortunately a few do, and their voices are growing louder. Vaccination was nothing but a delusional attempt of improving on nature that has only made things worse, and with the covid vax it blew up altogehter. We need to rediscover the meaning of healthcare. Public health is about safe work places, traffic laws, safe agriculture, safe food, air pollution, and generally environmental degradation, it is about protecting the individual against carelessness in the management of the commons. Public Health is not about medicating people. We now have two monumental public health fiascos, fluoridation of drinking water, and vaccination. In both cases the mistake is the same, by mandating these measures and imposing them on people the individual nature of the health experience is being violated. Healthcare is strictly individual and personal which is why there is the protection of informed consent, which is being violated institutionally in all these mass medication strategies. It is the complete opposite of healthcare.
Great explanation! Very well stated! 👍🏻
I never understood how Reagan even considered signing this, it undoubtedly caused the health crisis of our children for nearly 40yrs. In 2011 while pregnant w/ my first, I’d asked the pediatrician why a newborn would even need a HepB shot (just out of curiosity, since I had received the series prior to working in a clinical environment)…She shut my question down INSTANTLY. From that moment on, I was trained to “do as you’re told & don’t ask any questions” or you are a bad parent. I wish your book would have been available back then, it affirms everything we experience as mothers when it is obvious that something is just not right. Thanks for sharing your story, I pray for an end to this & may our country shift towards a healthier future for all children. 🙏🧡
JB, you're like a tireless detective who has accumulated all the evidence imaginable tracking down a suspect. If you could present your evidence to a jury they would have proof beyond reasonable doubt. Then you could expand your case beyond just autism. Food allergies, autoimmune diseases, learning disabilities and SIDS have all followed the same trajectory as autism over the last fifty years. And all of them are due to corrupted development of the neurological and immune systems. Although the cause or causes may be multi-factorial, we happen to coincidentally inject nearly everybody with something that directly challenges, disrupts and overstimulates the immune system(active and inactive biological material), and the neurological system (aluminum complexes). A single large scale independent trial could prove this connection. RFK can accomplish this, but we all have to support and protect him because there are a lot of powerful wealthy people who stand to lose that power and wealth if the population realizes the truth.
We can’t go back to the exact same schedule as 1985, because the DTP shot was killing kids (the whole reason for the change). But, we could substitute the DTaP, make the schedule voluntary, and watch what happens.
Here's an idea. Don't even change the schedule, but make it *truly* voluntary. In other words, it should operate on an opt-in basis, not an "opt-out, but you don't even know that you have that option, and the health department, schools, doctors, and insurance companies say your child cannot participate in society without all the shots" basis.
Then we could inform parents of the miniscule risk the targeted infections pose, along with informing them (and the doctors, since apparently they don't even know) about how to safely and naturally treat the infections (like Vitamins A and C for measles). And get true info about adverse events into the parents hands, too, while also removing the liability shield from manufacturers. Parents could have the knowledge to make informed decisions. Demand for vaccines would dwindle, and the manufacturers would find some other cash cow.
Yes, doctors should be forced to give out a brochure to every new parent listing the vaccines & side effects. It should also have a list of ingredients for each vaccine, & side effects of each ingredient listed. If it needs to be a small booklet, so be it. True informed consent should be a priority for all doctors. They should also have to study vaccines, side effects of ingredients, & have an understanding of the adjuvants in each. They should get more education on nutrition & body chemistry as well. Not just study what medications are to be prescribed for various conditions. Actually study HOW medications act on different people with different body constitutions. We are all slightly different. There isn’t & has never been one product that is universally “good” for all body types. Nor the same dosage for everyone, whether you’re are a newborn or 60 years old, & 180 lbs. This is ridiculous! The whole vaccine program is a bio weapons program. From the get-go! Should be abolished imo.
The vaccine manufacturers must have partied hard the evening the bill was passed. They must have anticipated the bonanza of money they would receive from increasing the number of vaccines. Not a thought about the safety of our children. All the guardrails were taken off that day. A dark day in the history of humanity.
Thank you. Great article. Incredible to know no one was even remotely concerned with adding new v’s for other diseases at that time. I was born January 1986, and I got my first DPT at 6 months.
A few times I spoke of the conflict of interests as well, on the ACIP members. Those ppl are heavy to blame! Have you ever listened to their meetings?!.. mindless yes men and women entirely disconnected with any critical analysis of studies or care for kids. Seems all they are capable of is continuously feeding the bloated vax schedule.
Excellent article. Going from no shots before 5 to 1 at birth is truly amazing. Were million of babies infected with Hep B in the 80's and 90's?
Reagan definitely had some idea of the harm that 1986 Act would bring. He told the CDC & manufacturers to make em safe. They told him this was impossible. That “vaccines were inherently unsafe, which is why they need immunity protection.” They can’t make vaccines without all the toxic adjuvants & they wouldn’t be able to continue their program. So Reagan signed the bill into law for immunity from liability, The 1986 Act. Thanks Reagan! For playing along with the globalists games. He did so much harm to Americans & our country. I’ve never considered him a great President like so many seem to. The vaccination scam has done so much damage. 1 in 30 children now born in the U.S. is on the autism spectrum. Makes me sick! Pun intended. 🤨
So Reagan had "mixed feelings" eh? I'll bet he didn't. Mentally hee was about on a par then with Biden now.
Giving the biggest corporation's a free hit - indemnity free products!!! Whoopeee!!!! - was INSANE.
And that's about to change...
My understanding is he closed many mental health places too and the left (validly) blames that for some of the homeless people on the street etc but RFK suggests wellness centers and suddenly it means he wants to trap autistic people 🙄
That said, what do you think of the agreement he made with Sen Cassidy? I think there are workarounds for the vaccine schedule agreement part?
100% agree with this assessment and going forward the way we manage infectious disease needs to change, the Act needs to be repealed, the industry held accountable, and our children impacted supported through medical care for a special patient population.
Our beloved President Reagan is also the father of America’s divorce epidemic as the first to sign “No Fault Divorce” into law as governor of California.