I will continue to do all in my power to spread the news about the dangers of vaccines to our children JB. Bless you for your heroic and tireless efforts over many years to bring the truth about vaccines to light to a world sleeping in ignorance all too often.
Pre-med indoctrination is fierce. You're taught to remain siloed. Nobody shares. The reason given is the competition to get accepted into medical school. The hundreth's position after the decimal point in your gpa counts, you're taught. Wicked. I completed but did not apply to med school explicitly for the above reasons, 2018. I listened to my heart and God and got a RN degree instead, 2023, honors gpa, and, even after getting kick out for non-compliance in Dec.of 2021, during covid.
PS my grandaughter also suffers from iatrogenic vaccine poisoned autism.
I "really hated" your book, How to End the Autism Epidemic. It infuriated me. It laid bare the existence of true evil among us, and made it impossible to ignore how our so-called 'leaders' and health regulators are thoroughly compromised. They are supposed to protect us, yet they've failed miserably. Your book, unfortunately, hits too close to home with its overwhelming truths—truths that we need now more than ever. In Australia, autism rates are now reported at an alarming 1 in 25. When I was a child in the early 70s, autism was virtually unheard of, but today it's treated like a 'normal' occurrence. Big pharma is indeed doing the devils work !!
Writing from the UK. Our son had exactly the same symptoms as he declined at 18 months after being given MMR and Meningitis jabs at the same time. Your work to challenge the situation in the US is brilliant and we need more of it in the UK. Our NHS is something of a Stalinist religion and it is like taking on God or more accurately, the Stasi or KGB. Thanks for all you are doing. It makes a huge difference and in the end, the madness will have to stop (or humans will be history).
The darker human tendencies are hijacked and amplified by the institutional mindset and evil, conflicted, or self deluded leadership. The same institutions actively emasculate self correcting mechanisms and then develop an armor/insulation against any resistance or challenge of its new, duplicitous, self serving, or substituted goals and ethos.
Myself and both my sons are on the spectrum. I recently broke it to my wife it was likely the vaccines. A child’s dr was shot happy and led to a big agreement. My wife had to face it in that moment. Wish I had communicated it better with her. My wife couldn’t think straight for a week afterwards. I struggle to inform loved ones w/o pushing them away. Any advice is welcomed. T.I.A
Learning you directly caused the problem because of ignorance is a big pill to swallow. That is the psychological trick they have used to keep this sickening program going. I do not blame my mother, but it was her fault that she linned me up to take the shots that nearly killed me. Now that I know, I will never let this happen to a loved one without them being told the truth, and if they hate me for it, so be it.
I bought your book when it came out and it is exceptional!! Thanks for keeping up the fight!! My second child was non-verbal and would flap hos tiny hands when lying on his tummy. My inner voice (after becoming aware of the risks of vax) made me STOP jabbing him at 18 months. Thank God I trusted my instinct!! He received amazing sensory integration therapy for SPD, speech therapy for APD (auditory processing disorder), and vision therapy (for visual processing deficits) throughout early elementary years. I also homeschooling through eelementary school years. He was the 200m state champion in his division on his senior year. And is studying welding at our community College while working pt at Home Depot. Healing takes a lot of different approaches including a diet free of artificial colorings and ingredients. I'm glad that the plandemic opened the eyes of so many re: the corruption of the alphabet agencies. I would suggest that the first step be to PAUSE YOUR CHILD'S vaxxes UNTIL you read the mfr inserts and after reading your book JB.
Stop vaxxing to stop the damage, then detox to reverse the damage and heal, heal and more healing. My journey has been long, but here I am. Alive and kicking.
Thank you for doing the research and doing it well. I bought your book back in 2018 and it reinforced my concerns about our current vaccination schedule. It also helped my husband and I have a healthy wariness once the “new therapy” became available. This could have been a life-altering decision for my four boys in their very late teens to mid-twenties. What you and your wife have done matters very much. Keep speaking the truth!
I read 25 books on vaccine fraud, and it was not till Covid Con that I learned there are no viruses and zero reasons to vaccinate. Blew my mind. I cancelled my marriage because my fiance was part of the Vax cult; that was before I knew there were no viruses. Protecting my unborn children is my highest priority.
sharing immediately. hoping even the most jaded of readers is doing the same. this takes all of us already-taxed parents pushing this out. jb did the work, all you have to do, is be brave enough to share it.
The reaction of the doctor in the video clip was interesting. I felt bad for him because it's a lot of stress to come to terms with reality, but at the same time he reminded me of a covert narcissist. Turning on the victim mode to escape culpability. Clearly he was uneducated or miseducated in the topic and yet was dispensing advice, wisdom, and presumably care in the guise of an expert. That makes him responsible.
That reaction was very educational. The trigger gets hit so quickly, and it stops conversations that we really need. In every institution with which I've had experience, the majority of people inside thrive upon a self concept of doing important, respected work that is supportive of the ideal under which their line of work is taken to be honorable. Health, education, justice, equality,...such noble ideals! It is devastatingly personal for them to be asked to confront the foundational question: is the work that you do really supporting the ideal? And if it is acting in opposition to the ideal? And yet, isn't this the most important question underlying a sincere and honest path in life?
In my experience i can't think of anyone so egotistical and brainwashed in their system as doctors, but then again myself, and therefore most of my friends, and my educational institution are not mainstream. My friend in the public school system says "yeah they have no idea what they were doing." My friends at NASA say "yeah they waste a ton of money and we are jokes to the private industry". For me having a PHD has only decreased my trust in science and research, because you are aware firsthand of the flaws and limitations. I would never presume my credentials are a serious factor in being able to discern the truth.
I challenged a doctor recently and it was clear they had a hard time understanding what i was saying. I kept saying people would trust doctors more if foundational health promoting principles (lifestyle, environmental, preventative medicine) were the foundation to training and practice and she kept saying things along the lines of we don't have time for that, we have too much to learn, you can choose that as a specialty, there's not enough empirical support to implement natural stuff.
and further this doctor was peeved at people who spread misinformation and use untested remedies and it like do you hear yourself? You're telling me you cant concentrate on creating health because there is too much disease to treat? and you're also telling me you never intend to do anything but make treating disease with drugs etc. your foundation, but youre mad at people for listening to influencers for lifestyle advice? It's like telling people you only sell apples and getting upset when they are trying out "unproven" oranges and grapes to eat.
"The science is doing it's best weve come so far" shiny ideal is a cornerstone of their mythology.
To tell the truth, as a doctor, you will have your licenses pulled, which means you need to have your hands dirty in the killing field to keep your job. Moral people do not do this.
There is and never was any reason whatsoever to inject anyone with vaccines. They are of no help to society and all the men women and children that forms into said society would rather benefit to stay the hell away from any of those injections.
We live in a sick society where there no longer is health care provided. So called medical professionals shame you if you are not up to to date with the latest ‘vaccine’ or do not want to comply to take any of the drugs they want to prescribe you if you ever seek their help. People need to learn how to take care of their own bodies in a natural way. Our bodies are our temples, treat them that way and you will see huge difference in your life. Stay away from pharmaceutical treatments and do your own research on how to live in and with a healthy body without advices from a corrupt medical industry that does not have your best interest at hand.
Be natural and Do Not Ever Comply
PS so sad to read your story about how your son got injured as all to many believe in the song of safe and effective and necessary DS
Plus - I am seeing the impact of the latest experimental injections at work every day and have met several parents with injured children or adults during my career, unfortunately it is not decreasing.
I have a question for you. Through all of research on Vaxxines, did you run across a whistleblower named William Thompson? He worked for the CDC, and he basically turned the CDC on its head by exposing how the CDC fudged the #'s on the autism rates for the MMR vaccine. It happened back in 2015. A bunch of us in the health freedom movement at the time thought "this is it, the cards are going to crumble now." Rumor had it he was allocated to desk job never to be heard from or seen again. Was curious if you had heard anything in your journey. Thanks.
Whistleblowers are buried one way or the other. The CDC is there to make you sick. It is not by accident or mistake; it is on purpose. Deferred consequence depopulation is their actual job.
In 1986 between 0 and 12 months there were 5 vaccines. Today there are 32. The most used adjuvant is aluminum where 42 out of 45 vaccines use it and is toxic to our bodies. Others have mercury, formaldehyde, animal bits and pieces from chickens and monkeys. Before taking any injection ask your pharmacist for the Product Insert. The insert for the Covid Vax was blank the last few years, now it states myocarditis and pericarditis are possible side affects.
Thank you for this. I have a question. I was made aware early on when my kids were young and we did not vaccinate at all from our third child onward. That third child has nocturnal epilepsy and now is 18 and wants to go into nursing. Obviously she is concerned that vaccination would cause more brain problems.
So far she’s made it through EMT school without being required to be vaccinated, but she faces the rest of her education with the huge mountain of requirements for vaccination. We are trying to figure out how she can continue to be exempt from them.
1) Do you know of any studies that prove the vaccine-brain inflammation risk in ADULTS?
2) Is there anyone who would be willing to legally work with her if she were to fight the system through lawfare if need be? We are in Texas. She would be willing to fight for the right to work without vaccination.
NoDeception.org. I highly recommend checking out their stellar work, especially if you are looking for information about Christianity and vaccines. This article presents an excellent religious exemption letter written by Dr. Garwood, which is customizable and can be used by anyone who needs an exemption signed by a pastor.
• In 1981 in an unemployment compensation case, the Supreme Court said that when considering accommodations for people of faith, religious beliefs do not need to be "acceptable, logical, consistent, or comprehensible to others." This was useful precedent for the Eighth Circuit in un-dismissing a suit by former employees of Minnesota's Mayo Clinic who claim they were fired after refusing to either take a COVID shot or submit to weekly COVID tests.
Religious exemptions and accommodations at work. Supreme Court case and Healthy American support.
This landmark decision, published on June 29, 2023 ruled that the employer MUST accommodate an employee’s sincerely-held religious beliefs, practice and observance — unless the employer can DEMONSTRATE actual economic hardship that impacts the conduct of business.
What this means for you: If your employer jerked you around, saying that you were a “direct threat to others” or that it was a “hardship on the company” to allow you to work in your non-pin-cushion status, those claims are invalid, unless there is EVIDENCE that accommodating your religious expression would ACTUALLY create a financial hardship or actual impediment for that employer to conduct business.
I suspect autism could likely be an autoimmune disease. There's a plausible basis for mRNA vaccines causing autoimmune diseases:
What is an mRNA vaccine?
It uses messenger RNA (mRNA) to instruct body cells to produce viral proteins, thus provoking an immune response. Here’s a quick explanation of how mRNA vaccines work:
- **mRNA Function:** mRNA molecules carry genetic information from DNA to the cell's protein synthesis machinery (ribosomes). mRNA vaccines exploit this process to make cells create specific viral proteins (usually harmless fragments like spike proteins).
- **Immune Activation:** As cells produce viral proteins from the mRNA vaccine, the immune system identifies these as foreign, triggering an immune response. This includes creating antibodies and activating a cell-mediated response.
- **Rapid Development and Adaptation:** mRNA vaccines can be developed and adapted quicker than traditional ones (like inactivated vaccines). Scientists can rapidly design mRNA sequences to tackle new viruses or variants.
- **Non-infectious:** mRNA vaccines don’t use live virus components, eliminating infection risks while inducing immune responses through selected harmless viral fragments.
mRNA vaccines gained widespread use in the COVID-19 pandemic, with Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines using this technology.
Despite presumed safety, injecting a COVID-19 vaccine introduces material into the body (virus proteins attached to the mRNA), likely perceived as foreign by the immune system (to stimulate a response). If the immune system cannot eliminate these substances, it may continually attack tissues containing them, leading to autoimmune diseases. Alarmingly, vaccine designs enable cells to potentially perpetually produce the target viral protein. Clearly, vaccine developers did not predict all outcomes, including unforeseen side effects.
As a man with autism, your article infuriates me. Autism isn't something that deserves to be cured or eradicated. Would you wish me, and others like me (your own child) to be no longer in existence? That screams eugenics in my mind. Autism is a life-long disability and detriment which cannot be cured; it can be managed, if one's support-needs are met.
If vaccines cause autism, then how do you explain folks on spectrum prior to vaccines, like Mozart? As far as genetics, folks are more likely to have autism if they are born to older parents, and if they have birth complications like less oxygen to their brains, or even if they are born premature like myself.
I will continue to do all in my power to spread the news about the dangers of vaccines to our children JB. Bless you for your heroic and tireless efforts over many years to bring the truth about vaccines to light to a world sleeping in ignorance all too often.
The truth shall set us free. Big pharma will enslave, sicken and murder us for their WEF plans of depopulation.
Pre-med indoctrination is fierce. You're taught to remain siloed. Nobody shares. The reason given is the competition to get accepted into medical school. The hundreth's position after the decimal point in your gpa counts, you're taught. Wicked. I completed but did not apply to med school explicitly for the above reasons, 2018. I listened to my heart and God and got a RN degree instead, 2023, honors gpa, and, even after getting kick out for non-compliance in Dec.of 2021, during covid.
PS my grandaughter also suffers from iatrogenic vaccine poisoned autism.
Listen to my latest podcast and find relief.
I "really hated" your book, How to End the Autism Epidemic. It infuriated me. It laid bare the existence of true evil among us, and made it impossible to ignore how our so-called 'leaders' and health regulators are thoroughly compromised. They are supposed to protect us, yet they've failed miserably. Your book, unfortunately, hits too close to home with its overwhelming truths—truths that we need now more than ever. In Australia, autism rates are now reported at an alarming 1 in 25. When I was a child in the early 70s, autism was virtually unheard of, but today it's treated like a 'normal' occurrence. Big pharma is indeed doing the devils work !!
Agents of Satan is a good name for them.
Writing from the UK. Our son had exactly the same symptoms as he declined at 18 months after being given MMR and Meningitis jabs at the same time. Your work to challenge the situation in the US is brilliant and we need more of it in the UK. Our NHS is something of a Stalinist religion and it is like taking on God or more accurately, the Stasi or KGB. Thanks for all you are doing. It makes a huge difference and in the end, the madness will have to stop (or humans will be history).
The darker human tendencies are hijacked and amplified by the institutional mindset and evil, conflicted, or self deluded leadership. The same institutions actively emasculate self correcting mechanisms and then develop an armor/insulation against any resistance or challenge of its new, duplicitous, self serving, or substituted goals and ethos.
The Government is there to control, not help.
Myself and both my sons are on the spectrum. I recently broke it to my wife it was likely the vaccines. A child’s dr was shot happy and led to a big agreement. My wife had to face it in that moment. Wish I had communicated it better with her. My wife couldn’t think straight for a week afterwards. I struggle to inform loved ones w/o pushing them away. Any advice is welcomed. T.I.A
Learning you directly caused the problem because of ignorance is a big pill to swallow. That is the psychological trick they have used to keep this sickening program going. I do not blame my mother, but it was her fault that she linned me up to take the shots that nearly killed me. Now that I know, I will never let this happen to a loved one without them being told the truth, and if they hate me for it, so be it.
I bought your book when it came out and it is exceptional!! Thanks for keeping up the fight!! My second child was non-verbal and would flap hos tiny hands when lying on his tummy. My inner voice (after becoming aware of the risks of vax) made me STOP jabbing him at 18 months. Thank God I trusted my instinct!! He received amazing sensory integration therapy for SPD, speech therapy for APD (auditory processing disorder), and vision therapy (for visual processing deficits) throughout early elementary years. I also homeschooling through eelementary school years. He was the 200m state champion in his division on his senior year. And is studying welding at our community College while working pt at Home Depot. Healing takes a lot of different approaches including a diet free of artificial colorings and ingredients. I'm glad that the plandemic opened the eyes of so many re: the corruption of the alphabet agencies. I would suggest that the first step be to PAUSE YOUR CHILD'S vaxxes UNTIL you read the mfr inserts and after reading your book JB.
Stop vaxxing to stop the damage, then detox to reverse the damage and heal, heal and more healing. My journey has been long, but here I am. Alive and kicking.
Thank you for doing the research and doing it well. I bought your book back in 2018 and it reinforced my concerns about our current vaccination schedule. It also helped my husband and I have a healthy wariness once the “new therapy” became available. This could have been a life-altering decision for my four boys in their very late teens to mid-twenties. What you and your wife have done matters very much. Keep speaking the truth!
I read 25 books on vaccine fraud, and it was not till Covid Con that I learned there are no viruses and zero reasons to vaccinate. Blew my mind. I cancelled my marriage because my fiance was part of the Vax cult; that was before I knew there were no viruses. Protecting my unborn children is my highest priority.
sharing immediately. hoping even the most jaded of readers is doing the same. this takes all of us already-taxed parents pushing this out. jb did the work, all you have to do, is be brave enough to share it.
Bravery saves live, cowadice kills.
The reaction of the doctor in the video clip was interesting. I felt bad for him because it's a lot of stress to come to terms with reality, but at the same time he reminded me of a covert narcissist. Turning on the victim mode to escape culpability. Clearly he was uneducated or miseducated in the topic and yet was dispensing advice, wisdom, and presumably care in the guise of an expert. That makes him responsible.
That reaction was very educational. The trigger gets hit so quickly, and it stops conversations that we really need. In every institution with which I've had experience, the majority of people inside thrive upon a self concept of doing important, respected work that is supportive of the ideal under which their line of work is taken to be honorable. Health, education, justice, equality,...such noble ideals! It is devastatingly personal for them to be asked to confront the foundational question: is the work that you do really supporting the ideal? And if it is acting in opposition to the ideal? And yet, isn't this the most important question underlying a sincere and honest path in life?
In my experience i can't think of anyone so egotistical and brainwashed in their system as doctors, but then again myself, and therefore most of my friends, and my educational institution are not mainstream. My friend in the public school system says "yeah they have no idea what they were doing." My friends at NASA say "yeah they waste a ton of money and we are jokes to the private industry". For me having a PHD has only decreased my trust in science and research, because you are aware firsthand of the flaws and limitations. I would never presume my credentials are a serious factor in being able to discern the truth.
I challenged a doctor recently and it was clear they had a hard time understanding what i was saying. I kept saying people would trust doctors more if foundational health promoting principles (lifestyle, environmental, preventative medicine) were the foundation to training and practice and she kept saying things along the lines of we don't have time for that, we have too much to learn, you can choose that as a specialty, there's not enough empirical support to implement natural stuff.
and further this doctor was peeved at people who spread misinformation and use untested remedies and it like do you hear yourself? You're telling me you cant concentrate on creating health because there is too much disease to treat? and you're also telling me you never intend to do anything but make treating disease with drugs etc. your foundation, but youre mad at people for listening to influencers for lifestyle advice? It's like telling people you only sell apples and getting upset when they are trying out "unproven" oranges and grapes to eat.
"The science is doing it's best weve come so far" shiny ideal is a cornerstone of their mythology.
To tell the truth, as a doctor, you will have your licenses pulled, which means you need to have your hands dirty in the killing field to keep your job. Moral people do not do this.
There is and never was any reason whatsoever to inject anyone with vaccines. They are of no help to society and all the men women and children that forms into said society would rather benefit to stay the hell away from any of those injections.
We live in a sick society where there no longer is health care provided. So called medical professionals shame you if you are not up to to date with the latest ‘vaccine’ or do not want to comply to take any of the drugs they want to prescribe you if you ever seek their help. People need to learn how to take care of their own bodies in a natural way. Our bodies are our temples, treat them that way and you will see huge difference in your life. Stay away from pharmaceutical treatments and do your own research on how to live in and with a healthy body without advices from a corrupt medical industry that does not have your best interest at hand.
Be natural and Do Not Ever Comply
PS so sad to read your story about how your son got injured as all to many believe in the song of safe and effective and necessary DS
Plus - I am seeing the impact of the latest experimental injections at work every day and have met several parents with injured children or adults during my career, unfortunately it is not decreasing.
Our natural selves are our best selves.
I have a question for you. Through all of research on Vaxxines, did you run across a whistleblower named William Thompson? He worked for the CDC, and he basically turned the CDC on its head by exposing how the CDC fudged the #'s on the autism rates for the MMR vaccine. It happened back in 2015. A bunch of us in the health freedom movement at the time thought "this is it, the cards are going to crumble now." Rumor had it he was allocated to desk job never to be heard from or seen again. Was curious if you had heard anything in your journey. Thanks.
Whistleblowers are buried one way or the other. The CDC is there to make you sick. It is not by accident or mistake; it is on purpose. Deferred consequence depopulation is their actual job.
I couldn't agree with you more completely.
In 1986 between 0 and 12 months there were 5 vaccines. Today there are 32. The most used adjuvant is aluminum where 42 out of 45 vaccines use it and is toxic to our bodies. Others have mercury, formaldehyde, animal bits and pieces from chickens and monkeys. Before taking any injection ask your pharmacist for the Product Insert. The insert for the Covid Vax was blank the last few years, now it states myocarditis and pericarditis are possible side affects.
They are lying on the insert as well.
1) There is no evidence that microorganisms cause disease, so what are vaccines for???
2) Even if you think vaccines are safe, of which there is zero evidence, nothing explains the toxins in them.....
3) GAPS nutritional protocol has been out since the year 2000.........
Thank you for this. I have a question. I was made aware early on when my kids were young and we did not vaccinate at all from our third child onward. That third child has nocturnal epilepsy and now is 18 and wants to go into nursing. Obviously she is concerned that vaccination would cause more brain problems.
So far she’s made it through EMT school without being required to be vaccinated, but she faces the rest of her education with the huge mountain of requirements for vaccination. We are trying to figure out how she can continue to be exempt from them.
1) Do you know of any studies that prove the vaccine-brain inflammation risk in ADULTS?
2) Is there anyone who would be willing to legally work with her if she were to fight the system through lawfare if need be? We are in Texas. She would be willing to fight for the right to work without vaccination.
Some things I had saved:
Exemption that actually worked and how and Template
Religious vaccine exemption
NoDeception.org. I highly recommend checking out their stellar work, especially if you are looking for information about Christianity and vaccines. This article presents an excellent religious exemption letter written by Dr. Garwood, which is customizable and can be used by anyone who needs an exemption signed by a pastor.
• In 1981 in an unemployment compensation case, the Supreme Court said that when considering accommodations for people of faith, religious beliefs do not need to be "acceptable, logical, consistent, or comprehensible to others." This was useful precedent for the Eighth Circuit in un-dismissing a suit by former employees of Minnesota's Mayo Clinic who claim they were fired after refusing to either take a COVID shot or submit to weekly COVID tests.
Religious exemptions and accommodations at work. Supreme Court case and Healthy American support.
Groff v. DeJoy, Postmaster General
This landmark decision, published on June 29, 2023 ruled that the employer MUST accommodate an employee’s sincerely-held religious beliefs, practice and observance — unless the employer can DEMONSTRATE actual economic hardship that impacts the conduct of business.
What this means for you: If your employer jerked you around, saying that you were a “direct threat to others” or that it was a “hardship on the company” to allow you to work in your non-pin-cushion status, those claims are invalid, unless there is EVIDENCE that accommodating your religious expression would ACTUALLY create a financial hardship or actual impediment for that employer to conduct business.
She needs to fight like her life depends on it because it does. The system is corrupt and intentionally hurting Americans to bring in Communism.
I suspect autism could likely be an autoimmune disease. There's a plausible basis for mRNA vaccines causing autoimmune diseases:
What is an mRNA vaccine?
It uses messenger RNA (mRNA) to instruct body cells to produce viral proteins, thus provoking an immune response. Here’s a quick explanation of how mRNA vaccines work:
- **mRNA Function:** mRNA molecules carry genetic information from DNA to the cell's protein synthesis machinery (ribosomes). mRNA vaccines exploit this process to make cells create specific viral proteins (usually harmless fragments like spike proteins).
- **Immune Activation:** As cells produce viral proteins from the mRNA vaccine, the immune system identifies these as foreign, triggering an immune response. This includes creating antibodies and activating a cell-mediated response.
- **Rapid Development and Adaptation:** mRNA vaccines can be developed and adapted quicker than traditional ones (like inactivated vaccines). Scientists can rapidly design mRNA sequences to tackle new viruses or variants.
- **Non-infectious:** mRNA vaccines don’t use live virus components, eliminating infection risks while inducing immune responses through selected harmless viral fragments.
mRNA vaccines gained widespread use in the COVID-19 pandemic, with Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines using this technology.
Despite presumed safety, injecting a COVID-19 vaccine introduces material into the body (virus proteins attached to the mRNA), likely perceived as foreign by the immune system (to stimulate a response). If the immune system cannot eliminate these substances, it may continually attack tissues containing them, leading to autoimmune diseases. Alarmingly, vaccine designs enable cells to potentially perpetually produce the target viral protein. Clearly, vaccine developers did not predict all outcomes, including unforeseen side effects.
Independent scientists looking to prove MRNA is even in there could not find it. The shots delivered poison and technology, thats it.
As a man with autism, your article infuriates me. Autism isn't something that deserves to be cured or eradicated. Would you wish me, and others like me (your own child) to be no longer in existence? That screams eugenics in my mind. Autism is a life-long disability and detriment which cannot be cured; it can be managed, if one's support-needs are met.
If vaccines cause autism, then how do you explain folks on spectrum prior to vaccines, like Mozart? As far as genetics, folks are more likely to have autism if they are born to older parents, and if they have birth complications like less oxygen to their brains, or even if they are born premature like myself.