Katie is another of my parent heroes. Her & Christian's experience, family dynamics and ultimately the politics & outside interests of Autism Speaks speaks volumes to what the parents of iatrogenically injured children who go on to receive an autism diagnosis are up against. Add in this actually autistic, autistic as identify, neurotribes bullshit, parents like us are the pariahs of the pariahs of the autism advocacy community and our children are the most marginalized of the marginalized.

I really support a lot of the work that the NCSA is trying to do for our children who are severely impacted. I started to advocate and get involved as I want to fight for local community based housing & home supports, funding,safety education...I could even touch on access to adequate, appropriate and supportive medical care, but they literally denounced the pathogenesis of my girls autism diagnosis. Board members align with Offit's sham of an organization, Autism Science Foundation that literally works against my children's plight, and preventing severe autism in future generations of children. I personally would love to unite and organize, we have a lot of fighters and together our voices would be hard to silence.

It's rough. I think the pHarma lobby ownership of most legislators, ad $ for media, pharma industry imbedded government agencies provoking censorship and demonization silences most parents. We have TACA for families,I appreciate Documenting Hope, Safeminds, IPAK but I dreadfully miss Generation Rescue & TMR pretty much disbanded. I feel like we are missing a collective parent driven national organization that fights for our children.

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I really appreciated this interview. I didn't know Katie's back story. When she talks about her well meaning parents I can relate so much. Even though my highly professional and medicalized family just rejected me and my son, I have in-laws who love us and are well meaning but not very big readers and intellectually not capable of understanding. But they want to help. Its quite rare to get someone from the outside of this issue with the openness to hear and the intellect to truly understand.

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Does ADHD come under autism spectrum diseases, My son is diagnosed with adhd, thanks to the childhood vaccination

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