I remember when Dr Wakefield was charged with malpractice by Brian Deerfield, a 'journalist' working for Murdoch news, whose job it was to find doctors who were not adhering strictly to their prescribed role, and weed them out through the media and the courts. I watched a video clip of some of the parents of autistic children Wakefield had been helping, standing outside the courthouse, not allowed to go in, not allowed to testify. The medical establishment was just that threatened.

"Callous Disregard", Wakefield's book, records verbatim the proceeds of the court case against him. I read that book when it came out. It was a 'kangaroo court'. Wakefield was exonerated, by the way, contrary to what the media wants everyone to believe.

Dr Wakefield also expressed frustration with the way the doctors obfuscated the facts by relabeling some cases of autism as rare neurological conditions so as to avoid the parents' pursuing the issue of the autism/vaccine link.

So definitely, vaccines are a major weapon in the arsenal. Unfortunately not for the purpose of ensuring health. As Denis Rancourt so aptly said, "The role of medicine as an institution in our society is to maintain the dominance hierarchy". Institutions have their own agendas; they exist to perpetuate themselves and to serve those who control them. And those controllers have exposed their agenda pretty clearly in the last few years.

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JB, thank you. I used some of your research when I wrote my book in 2021. It is outstanding. I tried to distinguish how much of the increase in diagnosis is severe , non speaking, self-injurious, totally dependent. From the research I did it appears, with the expanded diagnosis criteria, roughly 1/3 is a severe diagnosis.

But the question remains- HOW DO WE GET JUSTICE? How do we get our children the help they need to have control over their bodies? When are our kids going to matter? When is freedom coming?

And why does the state get to come and monitor parents in their home when the state caused the injury and disability? It’s just because we need money. If we didn’t need financial support, we wouldn’t have to answer to their questions and regulations, and could move freely from one district or state. They have forced entire families into captivity to the paternal state.

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Thank you so very much! I have an autistic grandson, now a wonderful teenager but, struggling to plausibly fit into the broad society around him. I was appalled at the number of vaccines he was subjected to when an infant, but his parents, who I also love, believed what they were told and he had the full compliment. What I saw was that between 3mo and 9mo, this healthy baby changed. He was never able to crawl (a clear sign of brain dysfunction), late to speak, impulsive behaviors and reactivity outside of any norms I knew, and so forth. I am heartened that your voice and that of others are pushing back on the vaccine madness, and I hope that this will bring about a reversal of current policies so that future children are not injured in this way. My gratitude goes out to you!

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The chart you posted is powerful, but even more powerful is the slope of the line. I haven't seen anyone take that exponential curve add apply some basic trend functions in MS Excel to extrapolate it out. Something changed between 2004 and 2012 that took that from a simple line to exponential growth. I can't imagine what the numbers will look like, but its possible to guess that they'll increase more and more over a shorter time period. There has to be a societal tipping point where there's too large of a constituency impacted directly or indirectly by ASD that the government will be forced to appease them. The system cannot continue to operate this way otherwise we're trending towards our own perestroika.

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Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Marcella Piper-Terry have both written articles about what the numbers will look like going forward. Similar to J.B.H., and Blaxill and Olmsted, they are both skilled at explaining things in laymen's terms and "showing their work."

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Excellent article. An absolute “tour de force”!

This thoroughly exposes the wilful blindness that has become so obvious to everyone who takes the time and trouble to follow the real science rather than the officially propagated “Science” where vested interests appear to be predominant.

This article should be required reading for every journalist and every doctor and medical student in the hope that the truth will finally prevail. It is in my view tantamount to criminal negligence that the subject has still not been subject to forensic critical analysis funded by those who prepare the guidelines and impose the childhood vaccination schedules. If there is no problem we need a detailed rebuttal under oath of all the arguments presented in this article. If there is a problem then we need urgent action to prevent further harm to our children.

Parents are currently not warned about the possible lifelong harms of vaccines which suggests that they are unable to give legally valid consent to a medical intervention which they are effectively coerced into accepting on behalf of their children.

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“Resist attacks from predators” that’s a wonderful noble goal. The key is to RECOGNIZE the true predators. Pharma is ghoulishly feeding off the lives of innocent children. Parents are completely blind to how the guidelines given to them are NOT about health benefits for the child.

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A thought experiment- if the current vaccine schedule was in fact the major culprit, would you as a parent still give it to your baby? If you look at the mortality rates before the advent of the measles vaccine for instance, it averaged about 450 per year but I think the public perception is that it was killing thousands if not a hundred thousand. The public seems to believe that the biggest contributor to increased survival were vaccines and medical advances which from papers I have read account for around 5%. Polio was frightening because of its unpredictability. There is no doubt as to its terrible outcomes. Still from what I have read, 90% of those who contracted it never knew they had it and of the others a small fraction were permanently paralyzed or died. It is also of note that in those who had any injection shortly before, the disease traveled up the nerves close to the injection site. Not positive about my recollection, but I think the above information was in research/papers or documents that were cdc or nih funded yet publicly they seem to credit vaccines and medical advances

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BTW, I was listening to a pediatrician who got concerned about children he saw in his practice being damaged from vaccines, who started informing parents of risks. He said the income he was getting for giving the vaccines dropped a million dollars a year as more parents chose not to have their children get them. Vaccines are very remunerative to doctors. One can only wonder, with the expansion of designated givers of vaccines, what the financial kickbacks are. Is it fear of 'professional repercussions', or concern with loss of profit that has caused these people to try to hide the number of patients who have immediate and sometimes fatal reactions after getting these 'vaccines'? And these so-called 'professionals' are reported to carry on 'business as usual' after witnessing sometimes fatal reactions post-injection. The designated title of 'professional' is supposed to come with some assurance of ethical standards. Sadly, the facts no longer support this belief. As people are losing their trust in the medical industry, its response has been to tighten its control over the people through propaganda, refusal of exemptions in some places, financial incentives, philanthropic foundations (usually controlled by those with money and vested interested in supporting the industry) and mandates supported and enforced by government agencies and politicians.

In many parts of Africa, childhood vaccines have been administered (yearly throughout childhood!) to malnourished children by the WHO with the accompaniment of the armed military. The death toll of those children from those forced vaccines has been very high. It has been a practice to experiment with vaccines on children from 3rd world countries. Now the WHO and UN are making policies with member countries to give themselves the right to do this on a global scale. WHO has left devastation behind in some of those 3rd world countries. While there still is some choices here, we need to get the word out to protect the future; our children.

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Dr Ros Jones Retired Paedatrician Discusses Covid Autum Booster and Flu Mist Program


near the end of the video she talks about the experimental trials for 'new varients of covid boosters', which are recruiting children 12 and up. She was offered 15,000 pounds for referring children to them. (don't know if that was per child) The child (or parents) get no money for being test subjects.

The organization doing the trials also includes in their information to parents that they don't know if these boosters will be safe or effective. (so if you get hurt, you were warned. Perhaps that passes for releasing the group from any liability for harm)

There is also some information about the Flumist that a woman is warning about, as well as a vaers site listing damages from this 'vaccine'



It may be worth mentioning that a nasal mist of a live attenuated vaccine increases the risk of neurological damage (encephalopathy - something not uncommon among the autistic population) from the simple fact that there is a potential entry into the brain from the nasal cavity due to the small holes in the bone through which the olfactory nerve enter that space. So although it appears less 'harmful' to use a nasal spray than a needle, I would say both are problematic. As well, there was no 'good' reason to do a nasal swab (ie PCR, Rapid test) ; it increased the risk of abrasion to the nasal mucosa and possible entry of any material on that along the nerve pathway. There were reports on bitchute and rumble about the pcr test swab having a roughened tip, and also some reports of material on them which should not have been there. (like graphene oxide, nanoparticles which is highly magnetic and self-assembling)

There were so many level of cover up and corruption. The idea of pushing a vaccine for the immuno-compromised should be a red flag in anyone's eyes. The adjuvants are toxic. The idea of 'stimulating' a damaged immune system with poisons to make it more effective is absolutely ludicrous. And criminal.

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