2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

I remember when Dr Wakefield was charged with malpractice by Brian Deerfield, a 'journalist' working for Murdoch news, whose job it was to find doctors who were not adhering strictly to their prescribed role, and weed them out through the media and the courts. I watched a video clip of some of the parents of autistic children Wakefield had been helping, standing outside the courthouse, not allowed to go in, not allowed to testify. The medical establishment was just that threatened.

"Callous Disregard", Wakefield's book, records verbatim the proceeds of the court case against him. I read that book when it came out. It was a 'kangaroo court'. Wakefield was exonerated, by the way, contrary to what the media wants everyone to believe.

Dr Wakefield also expressed frustration with the way the doctors obfuscated the facts by relabeling some cases of autism as rare neurological conditions so as to avoid the parents' pursuing the issue of the autism/vaccine link.

So definitely, vaccines are a major weapon in the arsenal. Unfortunately not for the purpose of ensuring health. As Denis Rancourt so aptly said, "The role of medicine as an institution in our society is to maintain the dominance hierarchy". Institutions have their own agendas; they exist to perpetuate themselves and to serve those who control them. And those controllers have exposed their agenda pretty clearly in the last few years.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago


The chart you posted is powerful, but even more powerful is the slope of the line. I haven't seen anyone take that exponential curve add apply some basic trend functions in MS Excel to extrapolate it out. Something changed between 2004 and 2012 that took that from a simple line to exponential growth. I can't imagine what the numbers will look like, but its possible to guess that they'll increase more and more over a shorter time period. There has to be a societal tipping point where there's too large of a constituency impacted directly or indirectly by ASD that the government will be forced to appease them. The system cannot continue to operate this way otherwise we're trending towards our own perestroika.

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JB, thank you. I used some of your research when I wrote my book in 2021. It is outstanding. I tried to distinguish how much of the increase in diagnosis is severe , non speaking, self-injurious, totally dependent. From the research I did it appears, with the expanded diagnosis criteria, roughly 1/3 is a severe diagnosis.

But the question remains- HOW DO WE GET JUSTICE? How do we get our children the help they need to have control over their bodies? When are our kids going to matter? When is freedom coming?

And why does the state get to come and monitor parents in their home when the state caused the injury and disability? It’s just because we need money. If we didn’t need financial support, we wouldn’t to answer to their questions and regulations, and could move freely from one district or state. They have forced entire families into captivity to the paternal state.

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Thank you so very much! I have an autistic grandson, now a wonderful teenager but, struggling to plausibly fit into the broad society around him. I was appalled at the number of vaccines he was subjected to when an infant, but his parents, who I also love, believed what they were told and he had the full compliment. What I saw was that between 3mo and 9mo, this healthy baby changed. He was never able to crawl (a clear sign of brain dysfunction), late to speak, impulsive behaviors and reactivity outside of any norms I knew, and so forth. I am heartened that your voice and that of others are pushing back on the vaccine madness, and I hope that this will bring about a reversal of current policies so that future children are not injured in this way. My gratitude goes out to you!

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