Vaccines cause autism, get red-pilled here
Six links will change your understanding of this incendiary topic.
RESTON, Virginia—In the early 1980s, I spent my fifth and sixth grade years in Northern Virginia, where I attended the local public grade school, Sunrise Valley Elementary School. There were two things missing from my relatively large grade school: tables for kids with food allergies, and any sign of autism. In fact, I’m positive I had no idea at the the time what the word even meant. What’s also true is that every other human alive and able to remember the 1980s had the exact same experience, because autism existed in such tiny numbers that it wasn't any kind of a thing at all.
Ask anyone over the age of 50 about autism in their childhood, it’s the same answer all over the world: I never heard of it.
There was also something else about that time that few people know. Not only were kids given way fewer vaccines, but they also got them when they were much older, AND, the national vaccination rates were dramatically lower than today’s rates, averaging closer to 60% than today’s 95% or higher. Can we just return to the 1980s?
This chart causes some people’s head to explode:
I was a military brat, and I wrote an article about the fact that I was the 1970s most vaccinated child, having spent most of my childhood in third world countries. Here was my vaccine schedule for my entire childhood:
Get your PhD in vaccines and autism, right now!
If you read and follow the SIX LINKS below, you will know more about the topic of vaccines and autism than 99.9% of people on this planet and, if you have an open mind, hopefully better understand why those of us who assert that vaccines are the primary cause of autism are very far from crazy, we just got red-pilled before you did.
It will probably take you a few hours to get through all the links. I hope you do, more people need to understand the facts.
The simple truth
Autism has experienced an explosion in prevalence, going from 1 in 10,000 in the late 1970s to 1 in 36 today. Vaccines have exploded, too, just look at the chart above, every vaccine with a “0%” next to it wasn't on the schedule in the 1980s, but is today. The CDC’s vaccine schedule is so enormous, looking at today’s childhood schedule will make you dizzy (compare that to my “schedule” of 5 total vaccines for a child born in 1969). This all started when vaccine makers became immune from liability in 1986.
Tens of thousands of parents have reported watching their child descend into autism after their vaccine appointments. My wife and I are two of those parents. We bore witness. I believe in the wisdom of crowds.
Autism being caused by vaccines isn’t just biologically plausible, it’s biologically obvious. Autism is caused by immune activation events in the brains of babies, which is exactly what vaccines are designed to do. Here’s your 1st link that explains this in detail. This article has been read several million times, and I have received praise from doctors and scientists all over the world, including many mentioned in the article, about the veracity and accuracy of what is written here:
In summary: of course vaccines trigger autism, it’s pretty obvious when you understand how they work.
The oft-repeated lies
Tobacco companies learned decades ago that introducing doubt to any debate muddies the water and can prolong truth by decades. This is what has happened with autism. The primary lies used to sow doubt from an obvious truth are the following:
There is no real autism epidemic. This is a terrible lie, the number of people with autism has skyrocketed, here’s your 2nd link:
The science has proven vaccines don’t cause autism. This couldn't be farther from true, the otherwise heroic Alex Berenson somehow fell for this lie, here is your 3rd link:
Vaccines are safe and effective. This mantra simply isn’t true, here’s your 4th link:
Vaccines saved the world. Knowing your history will help you see things more clearly. Vaccines had a very minor impact on the decline in mortality seen since the early 1900s. This is your 5th link:
No one makes money from vaccines. This isn’t true. Hear from the foremost “expert” and profiteer of vaccines, Stanley Plotkin, and compare his words to those of Dr. Andrew Wakefield. This is your 6th and final link:
Please read, and share
If you took the time to read all of the links provided, welcome to the other side of the matrix! It’s an extreme tragedy what public health officials did to my son and millions of kids around the world for profit and ego, we can only hope this madness ends soon. The odds that it will end after today’s amazing news are higher than ever. God Bless Bobby Kennedy Jr. and the team he is bringing to D.C. to dismantle the madness.
About the author
J.B. Handley is the proud father of a child with Autism. He spent his career in the private equity industry and received his undergraduate degree with honors from Stanford University. His first book, How to End the Autism Epidemic, was published in September 2018. The book has sold more than 75,000 copies, was an NPD Bookscan and Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller, broke the Top 40 on Amazon, and has more than 1,000 Five-star reviews. Mr. Handley and his nonspeaking son are also the authors of Underestimated: An Autism Miracle and co-produced the film SPELLERS, available now on YouTube.
I was born in 1952. At that time, the only immunizations we got were oral polio and the smallpox pricking on the arm. That was it. And I totally agree with you. There were no peanut or other allergies, no autism at all. On top of that, we ALL got the mumps, measles, German measles, and chickenpox. It was just a week off from school. NO ONE that I knew had any ill effects from those childhood diseases. As Dr Suzanne Humphreys shows quite clearly, the death rate for those diseases was down to almost zero, all due to greatly improved sanitation and food supply. They have been manipulating us for a long time.
Thank you. I knew something was wrong with my son after an immunization. Now the question is. What can we do about helping our children, preventing other children from the same fate?