I was born in 1952. At that time, the only immunizations we got were oral polio and the smallpox pricking on the arm. That was it. And I totally agree with you. There were no peanut or other allergies, no autism at all. On top of that, we ALL got the mumps, measles, German measles, and chickenpox. It was just a week off from school. NO ONE that I knew had any ill effects from those childhood diseases. As Dr Suzanne Humphreys shows quite clearly, the death rate for those diseases was down to almost zero, all due to greatly improved sanitation and food supply. They have been manipulating us for a long time.

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I think when moms began to work outside the home the simple "just a week off from school" became a big deal.

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I was trained as an RN in late 60's. We learned the vax schedule and how to entertain kids while they had to stay at home during all those childhood illnesses. They weren't called diseases. There weren't children's hospitals. Just small peds units of 10-20 beds to house those who had broken bones, appendectomies, and T&A. It was a pretty sweet work assignment.

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Thank you. I knew something was wrong with my son after an immunization. Now the question is. What can we do about helping our children, preventing other children from the same fate?

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Tell parents to pay no attention to PBS/NPR. Propaganda Broadcasting System or National Propaganda Radio. Change the P to Pharma it means the same. This evenings PBS Newshour will make you vomit in their smear of RFK Jr. as HHS secretary. Tax payers pay out 500 million a year, $1.35 per citizen to fund their misinformation, disinformation.

It makes me sick to know this. Defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and deport the main stream to some other planet where they can do no harm.

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The entire MSM apparatus is crumbling, because it's captive to Pharma, watch PBS crumble.

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Please don't use their words.

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Excellent point

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"immunization" is an anagram of 'it Nazi omnium', and has the single longest word 'ammunition' which is why they are shots of course.

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Inoculation is a new one I found as well

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My grandson regressed into non verbal autism at 18 months . As a former peds nurse I was suspicious but didn't want to be the one to say something. We found a site that discussed "apraxia of childhood". The recommendation was large doses of vit E, fish oil, L-carnitine, and some 4 th ingredient. He has had a remarkable recovery. Not one "expert" at his developmental peds appt is interested in this "recovery" and we can no longer find the article on apraxia of childhood in a google search. Things that make you shake your head.

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The people behind vaccinations are evil. That's the only way I can begin to even comprehend the phenomenon. Crime against humanity.

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Another great book on the history of modern disease is Dissolving Illusions. It tracks US and British government data showing the diseases were disappearing before the vaccines introduction. Thank your plumber and electrician.

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Thank you JB. As a medical doctor, I learned that you could not even question vaccines during my pediatrics rotation. Not being a pediatrician, I left that alone. I went along to get along. But brave parents like you and several others woke me from my dogmatic slumber. Hopefully, the tide is now turning. RFK Jr might just be the man to usher in the truth about vaccines. And you sir also deserve our thanks.

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Dr. Lawdog,

Sometime ago I was watching Robert Barns, Lawyer and political commentator. He was or is working on many Covid cases.

He explained why the coordination of Government, Corp-Media, for-profit Medical Systems, and many Institutions worked so hard to ban, block, censored information, about effective alternate therapies, they calumny the drugs reputations, and all who testify on their effectiveness. Recall - Joe Rogan's doctored picture of a sickly green on video of that 'horse dewormer' effective treatment, for example.

Well Robert speaks on that in relation of the emergency child use Status, to use without testing on children, but it can only apply if no other treatments exist.

Just when you thought the medical systems .. perhaps - beyond credibility by now - did not Hate us and want us suffering till dead, you discover something like this.

Doctor, at 61-years old, I remember when you could trust the medical system, early 1970's.

Can you believe that?

God Bless., Steve

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I remember when you could trust doctors too. That's why I became a doctor. But even way before covid, big pharma took over medicine. But you could fool yourself, not take any gifts and benefits from big pharma, and think you were independent and not owned by anyone. But it wasn't really true.

And then this fraudulent pandemic came along with the globally coordinated response. And 99.99% of doctors fell in line and did what they were told. And now no one with half a brain could ever trust the medical system again.

So, eat right, exercise, sleep well, get fresh air and sunshine and don't ever let them inject you with anything!

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Can you contact me? You can DM me if you like. Thank you.

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What's up?

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You have a way of distilling ideas down to their very essence. Thank you for your continued work to educate the public, and save families a lot of pain and suffering.

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Thank you Jonathan, very relevant for sure. I'd like to add a few thing:

You talk about the presence of Al adjuvants into the brain, as a cause of neurotoxicity. Considering the state of the art on inflammation, I consider that this is only one part of the problem.

Indeed, we now know that a peripheric inflammation is sufficient to induce long-term changes on microglial cells (Wendeln et al., 2018) AND that modifying peripheral macrophages (remember that macrophages are the cells that try to digest Al in the site of vaccine injection) is able to induce a change in microglial inflammatory reactivity, then modulating the microglia synaptogenesis signaling pathway

(Chiot et al., 2020). This is the second side of Al adjuvant neurotoxicity.

Finally, if you think also about the repetitions of these kinds of stimuli (multiple hit theory), in a very immature organism, you've got the perfect way to induce neurodevelopmental disorders...

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Thank you for sharing. Those responsible for the lives ended and ruined should spend their remaining days in jail.

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Is prison enough?

When public's attention drifts, they will come out.

(And public's Attention span is down to their masturbation time, I think.)

If public hanging was good enough for Nazi officers, isn't it good for today?

Or are our Fem-Nazi Masters standing on our gonads to stop us considering it, because if Justice served, many women would swing also.

.. but you and I can swing, the laws are only for us.

God Bless., Steve

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In NJ autism for boys is now around 1 in 23. Complete silence from the legislators and media. I think people have trouble wrapping their heads around the TRUTH that pharma deliberately damages our children to profit from their ailments. This all has to end. ALL VACCINES have to end. Thank God for RFK and you, J.B......let's get it done this time. Like....REALLY.

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Christopher Exley is amazing. His research shows a direct link between aluminum and autism and Alzheimer’s. 42 of 45 vaxx adjuvants are aluminum. There is aluminum in deodorant, antacids, cans, tinfoil, makeup, processed food, suntan lotion, powdered baby formula etc. Dr Exley has an excellent book Imagine You Are an Aluminum Atom

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I commented on Alex Berenson’s recent post that I would pay for a year’s subscription to his substack if he read your recent post (and links) and still sincerely believed that vaccines can’t cause autism. I don’t expect a response, of course.

Also, I hope you saw Offit’s CNN response to RFKjr’s nomination. It’s on his X account. He’s insufferable.

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Offit and Hotez are quaking in their boots, and they should, they are two of the worst snake oil shills on the planet

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This article is timely and necessary because pharma shills are apoplectic about RFK Jr. They’re pulling out all the old propaganda about polio and measles. I hope regular people don’t fall for the scare tactics.

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Now that RFK is in there, he can run a single definitive prospective trial, controlled, blinded, possibly randomized, between the CDC vaccine schedule and placebo(real saline placebo, not the pharma vax placebo). The trial would have to be run entirely without any Pharma chicanery. There are millions of parents who would enroll their kids in the full CDC vax schedule and millions of others who would enroll in placebo. Since autism and SIDS occur very early in life, the trial would show results within a few years. Then it could be continued longer to see if chronic autoimmune diseases and food allergies are related to the CDC vax schedule. Pharma would pull out all the stops to try to prevent this from being done, from dumping millions into captured regulatory and political pockets, to propaganda blitzes, to activating useful NGO idiots. RFK knows this, and is the only person on the planet who might be able to get this done.

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Read somewhere that during the early pandemic when well visits for infants were poorly attended, that the rate of infant death decreased significantly

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More recently, there been a reduction in ASD diagnoses among the children of high SES families in Marin County, CA, that is associated w/ a reduction in vaxx rates. I can’t imagine why! Toby Rogers & others have reported on this.

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There is no time to do further endless “trials”. Isn’t the autism and chronic childhood disease rate enough to illustrate this evil? This has to all end. Now. There are milking of parents that would enroll their kids in the full fauci/baal gates/cdc schedule? Still after all this?? How are they then any different to the deletes....

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Millions of parents not milking.

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It's already clear that the childhood shots are toxic, so carrying out the study you suggest would violate not only informed consent, but also researchers' basic integrity.

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It wouldn’t violate informed consent, though would be a tough (likely impossible) sell with any IRB since children are considered a “vulnerable pop’n” & the general (establishment medical) consensus is that vaccines are “life-saving”. So just as the evil trolls Hotez, Offit, Fauci, et al like to try to convince us, *withholding* vaccines would put children at risk. All horse shit, of course, but nevertheless a powerful argument that most still believe.

A better & far easier option would be to break open the VSD & allow independent researchers to use this data, & (although it would take longer) the CDC FINALLY sponsor a large & statistically robust prospective study of vaxxed/partially vaxxed/unvaxxed kids. Even parents skeptical of the med establishment would sign up for that, since it would be observational & blow open the entire vaxx religion.

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You Badass!!! I saw you monkey hammer those ignorant Actor doctors with facts and the pose of God telling them they were fools.. You made them cry and i highly respect you for this. You made them look defenseless and beat so bad with hard facts delivered by a confident, informed man on v dangers. You sir are a Man of strength and character. I showed my dr sister and she denied and laughed and said " you mean that jenny M video?" when I brought up the fact why her son wasn't speaking. She is fully boosted herself. She is a cult member. i can do nothing to sway her anchoring biases taught in school.

I am now a father and knew going into his mothers pregnancy that i had little time and much to convey to the accidental mother about the dangers you speak of.. I took her to a dr that deals with autistic kids to show her what happens. She listened and I am proud knowing I am one of the few dads with a non exposed son..

i also met a pediatrician and convinced her she was mislead. I sent her many texts to her phone with links to the truth. I gave her a red pill suppository. She saw the light and quit practicing but still holds her license. i have never had to take him to see her because he doesn't get sick. i do have a non practicing enlightened licensed pediatrician if i need one though. The world is so gullible. Even those with VHIQs

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Thanks for this, sharing. Love your writing.

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Stop vaccinating your children and your pets. Simple.

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